I will be putting some awesome games to test your knowledge of Elijah Wood and The Lord Of The Rings here.
They'll be a fun way to keep you busy if ever you're bored and want to play games with Elijah as the exciting topic!!

Here's a quiz for you to see how compatible you are with Elijah based on your birthdates!
It rates your physical, emotional, intellectual, and overall percentage of compatibility with him!

Here's 2 Crossword puzzles with Elijah as the subject. The first one I found in the May 19th issue of People Magazine and 12 of the questions are about Elijah or LOTR movies! I left it blank so you can solve it and if you'd like the answers then e-mail me and I'll send you the completed crossword! The second crossword was from the TV Guide magazine that I bought the same week! I solved it before discovering that Elijah and one of his movie directors plus one of his movie's theme singer are answers in the crossword! The freaky thing is that I found these crosswords about Elijah only days after having a wonderful dream where I met Elijah and for some reason he asked if I'd played this crossword type game before and was flirting with me as he taught me the game! Talk about having a premonition!!


LOTR: FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING DRINKING GAME:(courtesy of Julie, the webmistress of elijahwoodinc.com & gorgeousgeekyguys.com)

The Rules: This drinking game isn't really meant to be followed (if you did you'd be dead drunk before the Hobbits reach Bree!) and I just did it to point out some funny things that happen quite a bit in film. However in traditional drinking games you get your fave alcoholic beverage (ie Beer for most) and take a set number of drinks each time an event occurs in the movie. As most readers of this fic will be under the age of 18/21 I recommend you don't drink beer but perhaps substitute it for really sugary drink (like Coke) so you get on a sugar high or eat really yummy food (like blocks of chocolate) to enhance your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!

Take one drink:
-when you notice how blue Frodo's eyes are
-when Aragorn is referred to as Strider
-when someone yells at Pippin
-when a Nazgul/Ringwraith screams
-when Gimli mentions the mines of moria
-when Boromir mentions Rohan/Gondor
-when the Hobbits eat or talk about eating
-when an Orc hits the ground
-when Frodo cries
-when Saruman makes a threat
-when you grin because Pippins accent is SOOO gorgeous
-when someone talks about 'The One Ring'
-when Frodo puts on the Ring or is tempted to put it on
-when a Ringwraith is stabbed, burnt, drowned, etc
-when Legolas walks on snow, jumps gracefully across rocks, etc.
-when Frodo looks out the corner of his eyes(also known as the tortured look)
-when you're impressed by Legolas's fighting technique

Take two drinks:
-when Aragorn is referred to as Isildur's Heir (yeah yeah!)
-when Pippin does something stupid/funny/cute
-when Frodo gets wounded
-when you see Gollum
-when someone refers to the Ring as precious
-when Gimli goes cross eyed
-when there is a flashback to Isildur
-when the Ring shows the inscription
-when someone speaks elvish
-when Aragorn sits in the shadows watching someone
-when an elf catches someone off their guard
-when Boromir is lusting after the Ring
-when a character turns evil (even if they only do so briefly, ie. Bilbo, Boromir, & Galadriel)
-when you verbally abuse the characters
-when you see a character smoking weed
every time your heart aches
-when one of the Hobbits attracts the enemy
-when a character is refered to as 'son of'
-when you see the eye of Sauron
-when Hobbits pick up their swords, saucepans, etc. to fight
-when a Ringwraith sniffs
-when one race insults another (dwarves and elves, elves and men, etc)
-when Gimli is proven wrong
-when Gimli talks about himself

Take three drinks:
-when you feel sorry for a bad guy (poor cave troll it was cute!)
-when you notice Samwise's American accent
-when you see Rosie (you may not understand this if you haven't read the third book)
-when you start crying
-when merry is holding an apple
-when legolas makes an impossible shot and it hits (mines of Moria!!!)

Drink the whole bottle:
-when you see Frodo's nipple (ooh la la!!)

Elijah and LOTR themed Quizes coming very soon!! Check back here for more fun!