Cecilia's Haven

Please note that this page is perpetually (and especially now) UNDER CONSTRUCTION. New updates/changes in the very near future. No, really.

Welcome to my homepage! I'm a graduate of UC Berkeley, with a degree in history. I'm pretty uninvolved but I do have a few interests. Namely The Beatles, soccer, KALX, fine cinema and personal enrichment. Well, not so much the last one.

Berkeley is situated in the scenic San Francisco Bay Area with a view of the Golden Gate Bridge and The Rock: Alcatraz. It features such alums as Gregory Peck, Matt Biondi, Beverly Cleary, "Chunk" from the "Goonies," Bill Cosby's daughter (thanks Roger!!) and countless numbers of Nobel Prize winners who no one cares to remember the names of, thus sinking them into history's pit of pathetic anonymity.

Have any comments or suggestions? fab4soccerbear@yahoo.com

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