The Beauty of Body Alterations
my first tattoo.....
... and of course my second.
And here I am getting my third.
(Don't I look happy?)
At present, this is the best pic I have of it done.
Of course they are all my own designs, I have careful plans for how I want my body to look. 
And here I am thorougjly enjoying getting my labret peirced.  Twas a fun day in deed, my dear friend Heather also got her tongue peirced that day (her first ever body alteration, YAY!!)
Here we all are together with our peircer showing off our new accesories.I also have my navel peirced, which you can see in this picture, sorry, I don't have any picZzzz of it getting done.
And, of course, here I am after the fact, thrilled with my investment.