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Don't Make Excuses,  Make It Happen !
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            Hi, Welcome to my web page .I still can not believe the change in my before and after photos and how the loss of those 22 kg's has changed not only my appearance but the outlook on my whole life.  At 44 years of age and feeling every bit of it, I transformed into the person who now feels and acts like she is 27 years old.

              I want everyone who is overweight to achieve what I have achieved.
           It doesn't matter if you have 5 kg's or 50kg's to lose you can do it and it shouldn't have to cost you your life savings to accomplish it.
           During my weight loss transition (it took 6 months to lose those 22kg's) I scooped up information like a duck to water studying everything and  anything there was about food , nutrition, weight loss and exercise. I do not even want to think about the cost involved or the hours it took, but I don't regret it for one minute;  Now I have taken all the best bits of information,  plus my experience and wrapped it all up into my formula, I have called this formula" Exquisite Creation" because that is what we all are capable of being,  and becoming. My formula has been made  into book format and is now available direct to you via mail order.
           There is a lot of information out there on weight loss, and a lot of it  is also conflicting information, however I have put most of it to the test.  What I wanted most of all was a healthy regime, something that was not going to be detrimental to my body or mind , no potent pills, no de-carbing , no starvation or boring diets.  Guess what? Yyou can have your cake and eat it to (not literally of course).  I have created a formula that is not only going to give you weight loss but it will also improve your health ,skin and energy levels.  It will cost you no more than the cover price of my book, plus the food you eat, which by the way will be delicious,  with room for treats. 
           If I can just convince you to try it and keep at it ,I know it will work for you.  What have you got to lose by eating healthy delicious food, 6 smaller meals per day, the focus being on giving your body the nutrients it requires,  and also focusing on the mental attitude,  of getting what you want , taking the focus off what you do not want.
           I have worked hard for you but also for myself as this book is how I now live my life, by organising my food and writing up a supermarket shopping list with brand names even down to the minute details of putting items in order in their shopping isles, and cooking in advance for the freezer, it also keeps me on track to eating and maintaining my weight loss.
           I look and feel 10 years younger, I now dress how I want to,  instead of how I had to with oversized t-shirts to cover the bulges. I want you to have what I now have, to be proud of your weightloss achievements to be happy with your body and your life and to be that Exquisite Creation you were made to be, I wrote the book I could not find when I first embarked on my weight loss regime, I hope you like it!

Kerry  Kwestroo
Printer friendly order and payment details click HERE
To purchase my formula (book) on how I created myself into the Exquisite creation I am today and how you can too, please send cheque or money order for $25.00 which includes  postage and handling to:

Exquisite Creations.
PO Box 303,
Dingley  3172
Victoria, Australia

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Exquisite Creation     BSB 033380   Account Number    312049


email me with postage details and include your name and THE RECEIVERS REFERENCE you used in the transaction.


Now also available at;

Parkmore Newsagency
Parkmore Shopping Centre
Cheltenham Road, Keysborough.

The Gift Shop at the following locations;
Berwick Hospital
Dandenong Hospital
The Royal Women's Hospital
Monash Medical Centre in Clayton

Don't make excuses make it happen!
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