Proud to be Ex-Pys

Ex-Pys' news



There are 2 SSEAYP Thai Ex-PYs have been selected to participated an "IATSS forum " that is granted from Honda foundation to go to Japan for 55 days to study the development of thought and philosophy that contributed to the development of Japan with other participants from other Asian countries : Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia.

They are Sarochinee Somrat -SSEAYP'1999  selected to participated 35th IATSS forum during April-May 2004 and Mr. Warut Sangsuwan, SSEAYP'2003, selected to participated 36th IATSS forum during Sep-Oct 2004.

More information :

The IATSS forum will be announced for 37th & 38th batch around March of this year in which you can find the further information from  or