Night At The Movies

Beauty and the Beast (1991) (Disney)


    Belle is the daughter of Maurice, an inventor.  When Maurice becomes the prisoner of a beast in a dark forest, Belle goes to find her father, and takes his place as a prisoner.  The beast lives in an enchanted castle, filled with servants who have been turned into furniture.  The enchantment is temporary, so long as the Beast can find someone to love, who can love him in return, within a time period, or else they are doomed to remain that way forever.  The servants do their best to help the Beast fall in love with Belle, and he does, but she must leave to help her father.  When she returns home, the town strongman, Gaston, demands that she marry him, or else her father will be placed in an asylum.  When he learns of the Beast, Gaston gathers men to track him down.  The Beast is stabbed in the back by Gaston, but Belle pledges her love to the Beast before he dies.  The spell is broken, and the inhabitants of the castle, including the Beast, are restored to their original states and Belle and the former Beast live happily ever after.

No longer available on VHS, but you may find some collectors editions (large boxed sets) around, though there is no guarentee.

Robby Benson                        Beast
    Ice Castles

Paige O'Hara                          Belle

David Ogden Stiers                Cogsworth
        Mash (television)
        The Hunchback of Notre Dame
        Better Off Dead

Angela Lansbury                    Mrs. Potts
          Bedknobs and Broomsticks

    Beauty and the Beast has been the only animated film to be nominated for the Academy Awards Best Picture.  Though it did not win, it is still a milestone for animation.
    The film spawned a Broadway musical of the same name, as well as a direct-to-video sequel -- Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas.  The sequel has been released on DVD.

MPAA Ratings:
    G  Animated violence

My Rating:
    Beauty and the Beast was the best thing to come out of Disney in a long time, and I am including the Little Mermaid in that.  It struck a chord in me that hasn't since. and I honestly feel that Disney put their all into making it good.
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