My Notice Board

My friend, Mr Teh Paik Yong is a young teacher who has dedecated all his time to teaching students Chinese and Mathematics in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kuhara, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia (the nation's Most Promising School). He is also an active advisor for St. John Ambulance Asscociation and Chinese Society besides being active in other welfare and social associations. His contribution to the school and society is immesuarable.

Unfortunately, he has been confirmed by doctor to have suffered from bone marrow cancer. One of his leg was amputated at early this year. The worst has yet to come, he was told, just a few days ago that the cancer cells have spreaded to his lungs, and he has only able to live till the end of this year. If he can't get better treatment, which is not available in Malaysia, we are going to lose him for sure, and forever.

The school, the teachers and students are now setting up a fund to help finance his medical expenses. As a colleague and a friend of him, I appeal to everyone of you to offer your help and advice as whether there's a way or cure to his sickness or to offer your finance assistance.

Please send your advice to For donation, the name of the trustee will be made known as soon as we have finalised the setting up of the fund.

On behalf of the school and the family of Mr Teh Paik Yong, I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation. May God bless you. Thank you.

21 April 1997

Teh Paik Yong on the left and Me

Lates About Teh Paik Yong

各位是不是想伸出援手帮助一位即将走向死亡边缘的老师? 他来自 槟城,在沙巴斗湖柯哈拉中学担任华文及数学老师。 这位人人尊敬的老师是郑佰勇老师。今年29岁,未婚。他壮志未酬, 一生的理想、抱负却被疾病缠身而未能实现。郑老师罹患骨癌已到 末期。他已于二月中动手术把其右腿锯除。原以为之后配合化疗的 医治,癌细胞能就此被控制。4月18日,一个不幸的日子,郑老师接 获医生的报告证实其癌细胞已扩展至肺部并劝他准备出院完成未了 的心事,因为此病已到了群医束手无策的地步。换句话说,郑老师 随时都有性命危险。 为了挽救一位尽责,有爱心的老师,斗湖柯哈拉中学全体师生发动一 项全州性的筹款运动,希望藉此筹募一笔医药费,让郑老师可到医学 发达的国家求医。在此希望通过网络能够让有心人关注郑老师的病情。 有意捐助者,请联 。我们也欢迎任何人提供医治 骨癌的秘方或介绍任何可医治骨癌的医疗中心或国家。 谢谢!

Latest About Teh Paik Yong

Our friend, Teh Paik Yong, has left us at 12.45am on 18th January 200. That ended his final journey and his fight against cancer. However his spirit and his courage will always live on.

He came back to SMK Kuhara to continue his career as a chinese teacher in 1999. His health condition troubled him from time to time. For the period many of his friends and students took turn to accompany him and offer whatever help they can. He stayed on, mainly because of these group of caring and loving people around him.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for offering your generous help, prayers and support for Teh Paik Yong. Your concern really meant a lot to him and he conveyed his thanks and gratitute to all of you before he died.

May he be well and happy in his next life.

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