
GM Released

Posted By:
[CEO] James Rollins

Well it seems that not only did the wrestlers of eVo get lazy, so did the staff. I have decided to terminated GM Trish and have found a replacement that I think will benefit the federation more. I am also in talks about releasing Mr. Anderson. His preformance will tell. Everyone take this as a warning, you all are not meeting the eVo standards and all need to start improving. Thanks.



Posted By:
[CEO] James Rollins

We're Back Biatch!! And better than ever. Just when you thought things couldn't we went and improved again. Please bear with us on the updates, I'm working as fast as I can to get everyone added to the roster. Also the champs and staff pages are down. They will be completed soon as well. But the Invasion card is up, and there should be a Chaos and Mindgames card to follow soon. So lets get this shiznit back on the road.