.:Evofusion Homepage:. 9.13.03

Evo's News!

This is the first issue of Evo's News! Enjoy.

In this issue we are going to discuss Movies, Games & Books. Here we go...

    *Private Screening*

Some people would debate that Movies are becoming an art form, and with movies like the LotRs series & the Harry Potter series, understandably so. Movies are an integral part of today's society and so it is EXTREMELY exciting that the Mythical trilogy of The Lord of the Rings has taken center stage!

Under director Peter Jackson the LotRs movies have become one of the most anticipated trilogies in movie history. With the first two movies becoming instant classics, The Return of the King has fans of the series, and of movies in general, begging for the finale.

With all the hype and fan base The Return of the King could become the #1 selling movie of all time. The Actors, The Director & WETA Workshops plan to fufil this hype, and with People like that behind it I have no doubts that this will be the conclusion we all expect it to be.

Expect Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King this December. So hit the Books!

Future Releases:-

  • American Pie 3 ~Coming Soon

  • Harry Potter 3 ~November

  • LotR: The Return of the King ~December 16th

  • Matrix Revolutions ~November

    1. *Disc Tray*

    Lord of the Rings has become one of the fastest growing entertainment franchises in recent history. Starting out as argueably The Most Influencial Pieces of Fantasy Literature in history. It has now EXPLODED onto the gaming scene in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring & The Two Towers!

    Now the follow up to The Two Towers is almost upon us. The Return of the King promises pristine graphics, heart pounding action & an epic story. The story follows the movies unlike Fellowship of the Ring which follows the LotR book, so expect to play your favorite actors with unreal graphics due to the skin mapping technique used by the programers.

    EA plans to launch the game for GC, PS2 & the shitbox Xbox around the same time as the movie, so if you haven't played The Two Towers yet (I haven't played it! :-o), you better get to it!

      *The Library*

    The Return of the King is the third book in the imaginative and powerful series, The Lord of the Rings. The series came out in the 1940's and has since become the most beloved piece of literature of all time. JRR Tolkien wrote the book during his time serving in World War II. He originally created this fasinating fantasy world for his grandchildren in the form of The Hobbit, or There & Back Again.

    I am now currently 2 chapters away from the end of the Trilogy and it is a character changing story I would recommend to the entire world were I given the chance. I can't wait to see the Movie, I hope they fill in some loop holes they left in the second Movie.

    This site will under go some changes to hopefully give pictures to games, links to websites & so on... I hope you enjoy

