Habitat Destruction
    The main cause of habitat destruction is the rise of human population. Over long periods of time habitats naturally change. This extended amount of time allows for species to adapt to the changes. The current habitat loss, caused by human does not give species a chance to adjust, thus causing endangerment and extinction.
Types of Habitats
Deforestation of rainforests is extremely damaging because of the very high biodiversity in these habitats. Rainforests account for only 7% of the Earth's surface area but contain 50% of the world's species. The main reasons for rainforest deforestation are the clearing of land for agriculture, commercial logging, and fuel wood production. If the current rate of deforestation continues, the rainforests will be gone by the year 2040.
A variety of species live in wetlands but much of this land is being destroyed and drained for development projects, agriculture, and the production of channels and dams. Over 50% of the wetlands in the United States 200 years ago are now destroyed.
Many species of birds, fish, and other aquatic wildlife are dependent on these forests which are located on the coasts of the tropics.They are being destroyed rapidly by the production of rice, aquqaculture, fuel wood, and construction material.
The grasslands are ideal spots for crop production and grazing land for livestock. Crop production destroys these lands while using them for grazing degrades them.
    Although there are more species an Earth right now then at any other time in history, the extinction rate is also considerably higher. It is estimated that an average of 50 species become extinct everyday. Habitat destruction is also the main cause in the decline of biological diversity. It accounts for more damage than exploitation, introduction of new species, predation, competition and over hunting.
    There are three main forms of habitat destruction. First there is the complete loss of an area by wild species. Second is degradation which ruins part of a habitat used for the survival of species in that habitat. Degradation makes it harder for species to find foos, water, and shelter. Finally, fragmentation, where humans clear surrounding land and species are squeezed onto a small area of undisturbed land. This interrupts natural cycles, species become over crowded and often time the edges of the are become uninhabitable.
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Ways You Can Help
Here are some simple things you can do to help stop rapid habitat destruction
2)don't buy products made of wood, use wood alternatives
3)if you have to buy products made of wood, check to see if they are environmentally friendly
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