An Open Letter to All Marines

   I'll start off by saying that I am not a Marine. Since I am in the military, I am technically your comrade in the profession of arms, but we know this is not the same. The Marines focus on certain qualities, and my service focuses on other qualities.

   I was prompted to write this short message to you by Sara Lister's remarks, and the controversy surrounding them. I know that a lot of you felt insulted by what she said, but I wanted to shed onto her words a perspective that you may not have heard. She called you "extremists." This begs the question: Extreme in what regard? I've known a few Marines, some retired, some discharged, some still on active duty, and I assure you that they certainly are extreme in several ways.

   Marines are extremely faithful. It is not for nothing that your motto is semper fidelis, always faithful. Indeed, you have every right to say, semper fidelissimus, always most faithful.

   Marines are extremely honest. No Marine has ever lied to me.

   Marines are extremely decent. While Marines have an undeserved reputation for drunkenness, lasciviousness, and pugnaciousness, these traits are utterly foreign to the Marines I have been privileged to know.

   Marines are extremely brave, which history has proven far beyond my ability to add or detract.

   Marines are extremely proud of their Corps, its history, its traditions, and the lives and limbs that Marines have given for this nation's sake. How can anyone fail to be proud of these things?

   You might be tempted to say that Ms. Lister wasn't attacking Marines for these traits, but in a way, she was, even if she didn't want to admit it. The traits I mentioned above have but one foundation, a foundation that can be nothing other than extreme: Integrity, a life grounded on principle. Marines know that to achieve success and honor, one must live by rules to which there are no exceptions. Marines know that the art of war demands all that a human being can supply, and more. Marines know that the field of battle is populated with hard truths that cannot be wished away. Marines know that good intentions will not bring dead buddies back to life.

   In short, you have been called extremists because you live by principle and your critic does not. Although she did not intend it, she has paid you a compliment.

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