--Note To Christians--

If you are a christian who has been referred to this page, please READ it before responding to the individual who sent you to it, or to myself.

Important Note: I am taking a bit of a harder stance on copyright. I've run across too many copies of the Note that fail to list me as the author. I am asking that anyone who has a copy of my "Note" on their webpage please provide a link to http://www.oocities.org/evilhelldoll, or list my e-mail address evilhelldoll@yahoo.com on their page.
To all the people who have copies of my Note on their webpages, please see the revised 'rules' on the Mirrors page.



    Please do not 'pray' for me, it is rude. I do not believe in your god. How would you like it if I made an offering (lit a candle, chanted, sacrificed, etc.) for you to some god you did not believe in or worship?

    Please do not pity me. I enjoy my life very much, even though you may think it is empty and worthless. I do not hate life as you might. You do not know me, you do not know how I live my life. You do not know how I feel, you do not know how I think. You just do not know, and I'm sorry if it bothers you so very much that I can have a full and enjoyable life without your god.

    Please do not preach at me. I have read your bible and I have gone to your churches and I DO NOT BELIEVE IN YOUR GOD. To me, your entire belief system is just another myth. I don't care if you think I'm going to burn in your hell. If you absolutely must think that - so be it, but please do not bring it up with me. You may or may not know where you will go when you die, I know where I will go when I die, I will not change my mind about this.

    If you do preach at me - please do not think that you are any different from the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of other christians who have preached at me. Do you think YOU would change your mind and worship a different god just because a hundred of its followers all preached the same thing at you? Or would you just find each and everyone of those people rude, and then continue to believe as you do?

    If I grant you the favour of an intellectual debate on religion, please act somewhat logically. I cannot emphasize how laughable the following argument is:
"The bible says god is real and that the bible is the word of god. Therefore, god must be real since the bible, which is the word of god, says god is real."
    Any argument along those lines is absurd. If you do not see why, please tell me so that I may avoid any frustration on my behalf by arguing with a complete idiot.

    Everybody has the right to believe what they believe. NOBODY has the right to push their beliefs on their fellow beings. To preach at someone who does not wish to be preached at is RAPE. Not rape of the body, but rape of the mind and of the soul. There is no excuse for it.

Thank you.

Note: I recently changed computers and forgot to move my "Note to Christians" files to the new computer, so I had to download a copy from Geocities. During that process the format of the "Note" got a bit screwed up, and though I'm trying my best to fix all the problems, I'd really appreciate it if anyone finds a mistake(s) I missed and lets me know about it. I'll try to update the Note soon (I had an updated version on my old computer, but didn't upload it before the move).

Note: NEW! Printer Friendly Versions of Q's Note to Christians.

Read the Guestbook
Write in the Guestbook

Note to Christians Discussion List If you would like to discuss or debate the Note in depth, or share your views with other people, please subscribe to note_to_christians, the discussion list.
Note to Christians Update List If you would like to be informed when the Note is updated, please subscribe to NoPreach, the mailing list.
Q's Rants These are my personal opinions regarding a number of things, mostly involving politics or religion. More will be added when I feel compelled to write on a topic.
Mirror Sites Alternate URLs for the "Note to Christians". Please go here, especially if you are a returning visitor or you have a bookmark to this page.
Side Notes You may have noticed that I commonly put small notes at the top of the page. These are older notes, they may contain useful information or my personal opinion on things.
Links These are off-site links to pages which I find helpful, educational, interesting, or just insanely humourous.
Printer Friendly Versions Printer Friendly (hopefully) Versions of Q's Note to Chistians. Now you don't have to delete a bunch of stuff in order to print out the Note.
e-mail the author I will most likely not respond immediately. I do have a life, and I prefer any comments on this page be directed to the mailing list or the guestbook. I mostly put my e-mail address here because I am not a coward who needs to hide behind anonymity when I express unpopular opinions. This does not mean I will publish my real full name,  physical address or telephone number - I'm not stupid, and I won't put my family at risk.

This was written by Q (also known as QWIGGY or Q um 5 on AOL). If you are an Atheist/Pagan/Satanist/Non-Christian (or even an open minded Christian who is secure enough in your religion that you don't feel the need to push it on others) who is being bothered by pesky christians, please feel free to copy this (and change or delete whatever you might need to fit it to your individual situation) or send them to this page. Just don't take complete credit for my work. It's mine, not yours! [You are not free to copy the content of this page and add it to a site that requires paid membership, nor are you free to use this page in any way that puts money in your pocket, and not mine. If you don't like it, tough.]

Links are appreciated.

Q maintains copyright © on the Note to Christians. You are free to use, copy, print out, and otherwise distribute the Noteto Christians as long as you meet the following criteria:

1. You MUST provide copyright information on all pages where Q's Note to Christians is posted.

2. You may not take credit for the Note as it was written by Q. This means (for those who aren't absolutely clear) that you are not to copy the Note to Christians word for word (or even every other word for word) and then list yourself as the author. You are free to make your own additions (or subtractions) to the Note on your personal site, but any content that was in the original Note to Christians is ©2002-2003 Q.

3. You may not use the Note to Christians on a "For Profit" page. Sites which require payment for viewers to access content may not display the Note to Christians (pay sites may include a link to the Note). [This is, of course, negotiable if Q gets a share of the profits.]

4. The Note to Christians may not be used for advertising purposes by any entity unless previously approved by Q.

Copyright ©2002-2003 evilhelldoll@yahoo.com
