Every Family Matters
Is it all relative? Do we have to spend our all of our time just to make another dollar?  Is our time worth our money?
Five years ago, I would have said yes. Being a single mother of two young children, I didn't really have a choice in the matter. My personal cost? Missing out on the one thing that we can't earn more of... TIME. What a precious commodity time is in today's hectic two income families. Spending our lives at work, trying to run a household, keeping the family happy and with any luck, keeping ourselves happy. Things have finally changed for me. I quit my regular day job and found happiness and time.
I wanted to show the world that, with a little innovation and some research, anyone can accomplish this. I have made a list of internet ventures that have been profitable and have allowed me more time with my family. Below, you'll find links to some of the internet based businesses that are available out there. I hope you find them useful and wish everyone who has a dream, unbelievable success.
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