Hello everyone, my name is Traci and this is your website. "Our website?" You ask. "But how?" This is how; I want everyone to put whatever they want on this site EXCEPT PORN!!!!!

Ok this is how it works, go to Geocities and sign in with the name "everybodys_web"(the password is "havefun"), go to the file manager (or page builder, whatever is easiest for you), load up your page and if you want to save it use your first name as the page name, for example: John.html. NO CHANGING ANYTHING ON ANYONE ELSES PAGE AT ANYTIME!!! If I hear of this and find out who has done it, I will delete their pages and anything they have on here and if I dont I'll just delete the whole site

Ok so just follow these simple rules and we'll get along fine. Well...what are you waiting for? Get started!

one more thing if you need any html help this site helps ALOT!!!!


marisa's page
Kat's Page