The Incredible Cindy M. Lin
My school-good education at a cheap but ever growing cost
My radio station...instead of changing it as so many people do, I just keep the dial there and suffer the repeats
when you just want to procrastinate from the work that you are already behind in...
Laughter, the best medicine
Don't you just love my self-portrait? Well, I guess I have to maintain some degree of mystery to keep you interested. Maybe if you become intrigued with me and decide to email me, I'll send you a picture. A little more about me...I have shoulder length hair, maintain a degree of cuteness.  I wear a size 8 petite, so if any of you inspired fashion desigeners want to use me as a model, you are welcome to send me clothes.  Other than that, I'm your run-of-the-mill college students, complete with dreamy-eyed aspirations.

I'm into this movie thing lately...must stop spending money going to the movie theaters and just stick to the Rutgers movie channel.  Friends are a good source for free borrowing as well! 

I also am an avid reader, when I do have the time of course, although lately I have found myself to be very irritable and have the attention span of a peanut when it comes to comprehension.  But hey, I'm still a fun person to talk to!

Of course, music is essential for the mind.  I'll listen to anything you give me, with a few exceptions (country, rap) but I'm not going to search out anything exotic, but being the open-minded person I am, I'm glad to take up suggestions.

Writing.  Just rambling in my journal perhaps...but I find that my syntax is rather poetic, so I work off of that.  I have a few volumes of poems, and had one published by the Natural Library of Poetry...look it's called "Searching".

Adventure seeking...I would rather go somewhere than stay home and relax.  Sometimes it's bad, because it makes me overtired, not to mention, makes my life more complicated.  However, I need that adrenaline rush to keep me alive, so I'm usually wandering around my surroundings, but without a car I can't go too far...thank the Lord for public transportation.  You know, we people who live in New Jersey are so darn lucky...we have two major cities within an hour of driving, or even by train. 

Mi casa es su casa...I try my best to be a good hostess.  I love people, and the most important people in my life are my family.  I have the regular strict Asian nuclear family...Mom and Dad who both work with ever-advancing technology, and a brother six years my junior.  My late grandmother, bless her spirit, had a cow that my dad's firstborn (me) wasn't a son.  It's a Chinese thing I suppose. 

As for my friends, you know what they say, keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer...but I hope that I don't have any enemies.  That would suck.  I suppose that although I come off as friendly and open, most of the people I meet are just acquaintances...I have a diminishing pool of friends...more or less because you have to face the fact that in your life, people come and go.  I guess this feeling can be best summed up by the author of "The road less traveled"..."My feeling of love may be unbounded but my capacity to be loving is limited.  I therefore must choose the person(s) on whom to focus my capacity to love, toward whom to direct my will to love.  True love is not a feeling by which we are overwhelmed.  It is a committed, thoughtful decision."  What do you think?