
About us

    The Everett NJROTC Unit was started in the fall of 1995. The unit was the fulfillment of a longstanding quest for a Navy unit by then principal Mr. Lee VanWinkle, a Navy veteran himself. The unit is actively involved in both community and school events and has received several scholarship awards in recognition of their outstanding efforts during their annual Red Cross blood drive. Additionally, Everett NJROTC is an active and competitive member of the Northwest Drill and Rifle conference with Armed and Unarmed Drill Teams, Color Guard and Air Rifle Teams placing in all conference events.

    Our Motto is “ADAPT AND OVERCOME”

    The unit is at company strength, at about 90 cadets, until it has enough cadets to become a battalion, at 120 cadets. It's Company Commander, Cadet LCDR Paloma Castruita, has a staff, platoons, and the various extra-curricular teams under her command.

    The unit's Naval Science Instructor, Commander John Romann (Ret) has been with the program since the Fall of 1998. He was joined last year by a new Assistant Naval Science Instructor, Senior Chief Petty Officer Sevigny (Ret).

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