Back In Time
The first picture is of Dan and me, taken in June of 1977, we had been dating for 6 months by this time. I was 16 still, see the keys in my hand? I was the driver LOL. Dan was still 15 till Dec. I was a maid at my parents motel and he worked in a gas station pumping gas all summer.

picture below is of Dan and I in Feb 1980 with Brian. New Parents...Look a little tired don't I?

Brian's frist can see the Raindeer in the background...this is Dec 1980...our first family Christmas.
The pictures down below are all after Jenn was born in Nov 82, quite a bit later, she was older in these...havn't got any scanned of when she was a baby. These were all taken before 1990.
if you want outta here and to go to the beginnin....just click THIS :-)