Hello, and welcome to my new and (*cough*) improved website. I have
revamped absolutely everything here. My former website was becoming
a little too plain, and frankly, too dark, for my tastes, so I'm going to attempt
to do things a little more artistically here. I would have merely redone my
other website, but... yes. I didn't. I had to move completely to ensure that
I would change absolutely everything and would not give into the temptation
of leaving some things as they were. What do I have at this new location
on the web? All of the things that were on my old website, of course, but
hopefully you'll find it looks a lot better here. ^_^ At least, I think it does.
Well, the links are below, enjoy what can be found. Tchus!
Site Diary
My poetry and lyrics My fiction and prose Mine and others' artwork (***under construction!***)
My Livejournal All about me! *grin* Links to my favorite places (and friends pages!)
As of 6/17/01
My Guestbook
Like my site and want to show support?
Or merely bored? Click here! I get three
cents for every click at no charge to you!
Click as much as you like! ^_^
Maneki Neko
This website is blessed by the Maneki Neko lucky beckoning cat
(Get your own Maneki Neko)
Send me email! Now! >:)          My kitty Cairo's Livejournal!

See me LIVE on my webcam! View My Webcam
See me LIVE on my webcam!
Other fun stuff I decided to show off...