Heather's Little Chip of the Web
<-- This is me a few years ago.
This is me now, pretty much the same just a pound less makeup....
(Webcam Pic, hoping to get a spiffier one here soon.)
Well I guess this is where I tell you a little about myself, seeing how you've actually come here you must want to know...
I'm only 5'5, for some reason people think I'm taller from the pics but, no, I'm just a shorty. Also yes I am paler in the second pic. This has been pointed out a lot. The first pic was taken at the end of summer I had color, the second was taken in the middle of winter and  as you can see I get very pale.
I'm a very fun loving person. I like going to clubs, concerts, movies, and places with killer cherry cheesecake like Denny's. I also have fun reading, drawing, and listening to many kinds of music.I have a boyfriend, Brandon, that I've been with for a little over 3 years. He's a pain in the ass but I love him a lot. We've even  moved into our own place together. I'm originally from Jackson MI, but live in Holland MI now.
Hmmmm..... after all that and your still reading!!! Aren't you just a trooper...well other than the above I'm also into collecting Unicorns and other fantasy stuff. I love cartoons/Anime! Invader Zim and Inuyasha are the best. I also like to play on the Neopets web page. I have a uni and a grundo. My name on there is Evee231980. An Well I'm done if you still want to know more your just going to have to ask me...... 
            Oh yeah, check out my next page for more pics, the link is at the bottom and please while your down there
sign my guest book. :)
(There is a guest book to sign down at the very bottom of the page. )
It's a work in progress but there is some up there feel free to take a look,
My neopets........   =======>