Sasha, Dominique, Emily, Me (HelB) & Rebecca!

During the weekend of the 27th-29th October 2000, a group of both Michael Biehn and Magnificent Seven fans, gathered together for a joint 'fest'. Taking place in Chester, England, it ran from Friday night to Sunday evening - and GREAT fun was had by all!!!!!!:-)

Friday brought us the first Biehnies, and the first RAIN. Looking out at the cold, wet, British winter night, we whimped out of the Chester Ghost Walk, deciding instead to 'warm' ourselves up with the help of Chris Larabee and Jack (Coach). After dinner, we grabbed a bowl of Ben & Jerry's and settled down to some 'picturesque' entertainment from Robert Hart (DMCD) before rounding off the night (or rather early morning) with the laughter relief of Hog Wild!

Having crawled sleepily out of our beds, we met up with some new arrivals and got to know each other face-to-face! After sharing photos, magazines and other memorabilia, we peered out of the window at the untimely storm and decided town could wait until after lunch.

Warm, comfy and having far too much fun - the group decided that Chester could wait until a sunny day and next year's gathering - Chris Larbaee was far too enticing! Several hours later, having introduced the previously 'Mag 7 deprived' biehnies to the delights of the show, as well as a good old dash of Tony Luca (Double Edge), we headed out to meet the final attendee! That is, those of us who could tear themselves away...the others stayed for a fast forward version of Strapped!

With our fellow Biehnie (or rather Ezra and converted Biehnie *hee,hee*) in hand, we stopped at Frankie and Bennie's for diner. The place was packed, and together in our booth, we chatted happily over the rock 'n' roll music, debating the finer points of our Mag 7 men, our home countries (we had Brits, Canadians and Americans at our gathering) and life in general! Photos taken, and tummy's happily filled (at least with the main course) we headed home for 'dessert' of two kinds! *eg*.

As the gales blew away outside, we were snug and warm playing a combined Mag 7/MB version of the Jelly Biehn game. With Cherry Falls happily in our possession (Thanks Amy), we all 'concentrated' on the investigative techniques of Brent Marken (yep, we did re-play that self defense scene six times *g*). Giving up on the Jelly biehn game because we were all too busy laughing, chatting and eating FAR too much chocolate, we continued the 'introduction to Mag 7' with about 70% of the episodes *lol*. Feeding off the buzz of 'Obsession' (*thud*) and with fate luckily on our side, we decided that the convienient change of the clocks (daylight savings), actually meant that we could stay up another hour - and another 'free' hour = an extra M7 ep! *BG*
Around five in the morning (even with the time change) we all collapsed contentedly, and very full, in our beds!

Sunday gave us just enough time to watch some more TV and laugh some more, before goodbyes were said and people headed back to their various homes. By Sunday evening, as the last Biehnie boarded the train, we were all completely exhausted but happily content with our Michael Biehn and Mag 7 'fixes'. Thanks to the weather and train delays, we may not have made the cinema, ghost tour or even Chester, but we did make some new experiences and some great new friends! And there's always next year for the others things! :-)

Thanks to the attendees for making the weekend SO MUCH FUN!!! love HelB