Remember your childhood crush? You loved him, and he liked you, and would smile at you often. Nothing really happened, but that was alright with you, because you knew he loved you and would come to see that one day, and life was just like a happy iriscident bubble floating bubble floating across the skies of Heaven until


The bubble burst and took with it all your hopes, your desires and dreams.

You loved him, but he fell in love with some guy who wasn't you. And it made you angry for a while. Angry, hot and bothered, like you wanted to roast the interloper with slow painful flames.

It also made you think. Why it was he, and not you. What qualities did he have, that you didn't? You thought deeply and eventually you realised how worthless you were, compared to others. Why the one you loved could never have returned that love.

But one of your failings was pride; you would never have let anyone know how you felt, not if it killed you.

So now the pain festers like a bleeding sore in the deeps of your heart, and you try to lose yourself in work. After all, life is meaningless, but it's a sin to die. You could never be happy without the one you love. Could you?

The Bridge was cool and comforting as always, even if it didn't hold the familiarity of Heaven. Touki liked it because it was always quiet, as Heaven so often wasn't, and because Kami always relaxed His rules when they were there.

She turned her head slightly, so that she could see Ranshou in her field of vision. The taller angel turned, too, and smiled at her- that smile he kept for when they were alone. She loved all his smiles, although she would never admit it, but she loved this one best of all- the one only she and she alone got to see.
