It was late, but the girl with the dark hair and blue eyes was awake. She sat at her desk in the dark and stuffy room, typing intently into a personal computer.

AC 210 January 10, Friday- Log in

  Father told me about the war, today. It wasn't like the records archived in the databases, nor like the version that we learnt in school. The war- the real war. He told me about the people who lost their lives. The destruction that took place, and the things that /he/ did.

  Among those things- amidst names and numbers, and dates, was one event which he seemed to place special emphasis on. He said that he had killed a little girl, because she was at the wrong place at the wrong time, even though she was innocent and had so much more of life to live.

  I can take death. Especially when they're only statistics on a screen, like data. When they are people who have been long dead. After all, I'm a history major, ne? I don't see why that simple mention of Father killing a girl should disturb me so much. As soldiers, as pilots of gundams, their job was to kill.

  I've known that for a long time, since I was seven. When I found out that I was adopted, because two men together couldn't have a baby like a woman could. I was a slow learner, but what I wanted to find out I learnt, and I wanted to know more about my parents. I thought more; and gradually I came to understand the meanings behind the schoolyard taunts about my parentage when I was young, and also that they were meaningless. My parents loved me. What else mattered?

  I know that Daddy loves me. It's something that you can put in words, tangibly, in gestures, in his touch when he hugs me. But Father..? Maybe to him I was only a replacement, a way of paying his debt to that little girl whom he spoke of so wistfully. Maybe I was his way of letting Daddy lead the type of family life he's always wanted.

  Is that all I mean to Father? Just.. that?

AC 210, January 11, Saturday- Log out

  The screen flickered, then went dark as she switched off the computer. Outside her room, the sun was already starting to rise. She'd stayed up the entire night, and she'd probably feel like hell in school the next day, but she didn't care anymore. It had felt /good/ to get everything off her chest, for the first time in a long while.

  She glanced at the rising sun, peeking out from the horizon of the night sky. A long time ago, before mobile suits and spaceflight, the rising sun had been the symbol of an ancient nation. /His/ nation, in fact.. She cut the thought off, ruthlessly, before it could consume her. It was dawn, and she had perhaps two hours of sleep before it was time to wake up for school.

  Her last thought before she fell into slumber was that Daddy would be coming home soon..


  Duo Maxwell tiptoed into the bedroom of his apartment, quietly. If he was quiet enough, he could probably catch Heero asleep. His koi looked so cute while asleep and off guard that he tried to take every oppurtunity to catch him in the act. Oppurtunities that were few and far between. Old habits died hard, even decades after.

  The room was cold. Heero had left the windows open again, and the light of the rising sun filtered in, illuminating everything in the  room in a soft golden glow. There on the bed, was his husband, sleeping ina  tangle of sheets as only he knew how. Duo smiled to himself. Heero hadn't even stirred. "I'm back!" he mouthed quietly as he watched the scene, then fell silent. This was just /too/ good to spoil. Thanks to that mission, it had been a long time since they'd been together.

  Then a yawn reminded him that he had gone without sleep for the past twenty-four hours. As quietly as he could, he undressed, slipping on theblack silk pajamas that had been left on a chair for him. The cool whisper of the smooth fabric on his skin was almost like a kiss or a caress, reminding him of Heero's touch..

  Duo slid into bed, reveling in the softness of the pillows and the warmth of Heero's body against his. As he did, he felt a warm voice against his ear. "Omae wo Korosu."

  He turned. "Ne, Heero, you're awake? Did I wake you up?"

  His lover punched him, lightly. "Go to sleep, Baka."

  They lay entwined together with the comfort and warmth that only the other could provide, watching the early streaks of dawn light up the night sky.


  "So.. whatcha planning to do, once all of this is over?"

  The shorthaired boy glanced over, grimly. "The war might not end to our advantage," He pointed out. "In which case, we would most probably all be dead."

  "True." Duo was silent for a moment. Then he spoke again. "But- assuming it ended and all of us got out of this alive- and well- what would you want to do?"

  "I'd go to college."

  "Heero! You can't possibly be a student forever." Duo wrinkled his nose. "School's alright in its own way, I suppose, but to be a student forever would be hell. Figuratively speaking, of course." He shuddered empathically. "Besides, too much routine destroys brain cells." Playfully, he flicked his braid at his lover. "What would you want to do after that, then?"

  Heero growled, and caught hold of the braid. With a yank, it and its owner stumbled forward to land in Heero's lap. Blue eyes stared straight into startled amethyst, as for a moment time seemed to stop. Then Duo relaxed as Heero leaned forward, and their lips met in something that he couldn't define, at once sweet and tangy. "This.."


  The room was hot and humid when he woke up. Duo moaned, reaching for the clock that he kept by the bedside. His first morning home in weeks, and it had to be one of those mornings which made him regret moving to Earth instead of staying in the colonies. 

