I know of very few people capable of watching through the entire first thirty two episodes of Fushigi Yuugi, reaching episode thirty three, and not being deeply affected by Nuriko's death.  Not only is it unexpected, despite the warnings of the episode previews, but the solemn, helpless manner in which it's brought about is such a stark contrast to the rest of the series that it's difficult not to be affected by it.

So, what is it, anyway?  What is it about this character that makes his death so difficult to be a witness to?  Why is it so hard to get through this episode without reaching for the Kleenex at least once?
Perhaps it's because Nuriko is the first to die, or perhaps because, up until this moment, no matter what hardships or dangers Miaka and the Suzaku shichiseishi might stumble into, we as viewers have become accustomed to the fact that they'll always endure somehow, and emerge unhurt and able to entertain us some more.

And I think, despite the obvious downfall of Nuriko being a fictional, animated character, that his death causes a real
grief in the loyal viewers who watch it, because it truly feels as if a dear friend has been lost as those heartbreaking closing credits flicker onto the screen.  The reactions of the other seishi, naturally, do much to further this feeling:  Miaka's initial denial; Tasuki's rage; Mitsukake's silent grief; Chiriko's choking sobs.  Whatever else a person can say about Fushigi Yuugi, there are few who can deny the fact that this is an amazingly well-done episode, both in the harshness of its content and the reality of its characters' reactions.

Whatever else can be said about Nuriko, he's certainly not a coward.  Despite the fact that it's very probable that he
knew he couldn't defeat Ashitare, he didn't run away from his duty as a seishi.  He stood his ground, fought his hardest, and died in the pursuit of giving his Miko and his friends a chance at happiness and safety.
"Nuriko's life wasn't about being a man or a woman.  Nuriko was...Nuriko."  --Miaka
              +return to eternal dream main+
"Never underestimate Nuriko-sama."  --Nuriko

"You know, it's strange.  Your look, your speech pattern, are female, but you feel more like an older brother." --Tamahome

"Was he a man or a woman?  I could never figure it out.  He's too cool."  --Tasuki

"Don't lose.  Not ever."  --Nuriko
