Castaways public page

CSFLX public page

Marketocracyposters Yahoo group

In the "05castaways fund", all holdings are buy and hold, all year.

'05 castaways excel spreadsheet HTML version (yahoo group hosted)

'05 castaways excel spreadsheet HTML version (Geocities hosted for those with no yahoo acct)

'05 castaways excel spreadsheet XLS version (yahoo group hosted)

In the "CSFLX fund", I filtered all 195 picks through my own valuation method to find what I think are the best 50.

CSFLX excel spreadsheet HTML version (yahoo group hosted)

CSFLX excel spreadsheet HTML version (Geocities hosted for those with no yahoo acct)

CSFLX excel spreadsheet XLS version (yahoo group hosted)

The "rogue fund" uses a trailing stop loss to cull underperformers, and proceeds are put in the top performers.
This is merely a test of the "cut your losses and let your winners run" idea.

rogue fund excel spreadsheet HTML version (yahoo group hosted)

rogue fund excel spreadsheet HTML version (Geocities hosted for those with no yahoo acct)

rogue fund excel spreadsheet XLS version (yahoo group hosted)

rogue fund's cuts, along with their current value, and gain or loss %

Monthly updated historical rankings