Garryth Favorite napping place: the basket in the office window. I'm close to the action, I can see who's coming and going and there's the added bonus of a sunbeam.

Favorite toy: the stick with a feather on the end. It gets in my mouth but I don't mind.

Favorite game:

Chase the lazer pointer's beam! Omagawsh! It's soooo fun!

My sister used to live with us for the longest time. But then all of a sudden she didn't like me any more. I tried to explain the it was the neighbour's cat I had hissed at but there was no reasoning wiht her.

She moved out. She lives with a new family. They have lots of kids.

Ha ha! - who's the boss of everything now?

Sometimes I miss her.

AKA Gary
AKA Black One (for obvious reasons)
AKA Gare Bear (snuggle factor)
AKA Boo (easily spooked)
AKA Zig (another life time)
Born: November 20, 2002
Female, Domestic Shorthair
Black with white heart patch

Favorite food:

Any cat who misses a mouse pretends it was aiming for the dead leaf. - Charlotte Grey
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