I really don't get it? For those who are not fond of me, do I care? Stop spreading shit. I mean, you can say stuff to me personally, but its pretty sick when you have to bring me up in every one of your damn useless conversations. Yeah..."and?" Screw you! you go on about me being a slut and all, but am I really the one sitting at home with a baby in my lap? I think not. You also call me a "hungry necrophiliac"... like i try to come on to your man like some person who is going to give them some, and frankly I don't see many men just looking to pop a boner when they see me and spill their loads all over the place. Just live your own lives and dont let it get to you..and if you cant just sit there and let it be well let it bother you, let it eat you inside, let it repulse you to know that there are psychos in the world that love me.