Adoption Center
  "Or so the sign says..." you think to yourself."Where the heck am I?" Oh, sure, the papers said the adoption center was right here... but you lost them an hour ago.  Now you're stuck here in this weird little town with no idea where to go.  "I guess I'll look in here," you say to yourself, walking into a tiny store.    "Oh, man -cough- what is this place?" You ask yourself, looking in the dusty shop.  Out of the rows of books, on shelves, and many piled on the floor,  one catches your eye. Dragons of Twilight Valley.  "Hmm... I guess I am in Twilight Valley, after all.." You say out loud.  A sudden snort comes from the other side of the shop, nearly making you drop the large book.  As you look around, you see a girl at the desk, snoozing with her face on a book.  She yawns and begins to snore.  "I guess I better leave..."  You say and put down the book. 
   "Oh, don't worry, hon," comes a voice from the top shelf.  A rustling noise and a large owl is perched in front of you.  "She won't wake up...  Been studying for hours.  Wants to pass her Dragon Breeder's test real bad...Poor girl."  She says calmly.  "Uh...  Not to be rude or anything, but what kind of place is this?"  You ask.  "Oh, sorry!  Forgot the introduction, I guess.  I'm Lunora, and this is my master's shop.  She sells magic books and stuff like that.  But the real good stuff is inside, come on, you were looking for an adoption center, right?  Follow me."  You follow Lunora down a large staircase.  "Right in here," she says. You look at the double doors in front of you and turn the knob.....