Welcome to Honeysong
The garden of Honeysong belongs to my  grandparents.  They have made it their home for many years.  Its beautiy is rich and untamed, and it has an effect on the visitor that is truly enchanting.
Roses like this one may be found at Honeysong during the early part of summer
This is one of many trelises that can be found on the property.  This one is adorned with red roses.
This flower is an iris.  Irises are named after the messenger of the Greek gods. 
This cabin has ben here for close to 100 years.  It has been deserted for quite some time now, and is believed to be haunted.
St. Francis stands guard over the creatures that dwell here.
If you swim in the pond, you'll no doubt run into one of the bullfrogs or snakes that live here.
Some roads, like this one, lead to nowhere
A host of purple daffodils