links open windows (-?-)

11.8.2000 ( longing on a mass scale is what makes history )

This is the ballot that caused all the confusion in Palm Beach County.
Hundreds of irate Palm Beach County voters, fearing they or their friends voted for Buchanan instead of Gore, besieged the county Election Department on Tuesday and Wednesday with complaints about the ballot.
Buchanan received 3,407 votes in Palm Beach County, far more than neighboring areas such as Broward County, where he got 786, and Miami-Dade County, where he got 561. In precinct 162G, the Lakes of Delray area where Gore received one of his highest vote totals in all of Palm Beach County, a county high of 47 voters picked Buchanan, too.

Another source.

Amy Goodman of Pacifica Radio's Democracy Now! ("The Exception to the Rulers") maneuvered a get-out-the-vote telephone call by President Clinton to WBAI in New York into a 30-minute interview addressing such controversial topics as the death penalty, sanctions against Iraq, clemency for Native American activist Leonard Peltier, relations with Cuba and China, racial profiling, and the candidacy of Ralph Nader! A transcript is available, and the audio is extremely compelling listening. sbomb@12:02


I'm getting ready to go vote ... then my girlfriend and I are going to do something absolutely numbing, like drink a bottle of gin and go see "Charlie's Angels" or the like. That way when I find out who won tomorrow, I will already have my blinding headache and wrenching nausea firmly in place.
I found this MeFi post pretty amusing.

NewsForChange is carrying live election night updates from the Nader campaign headquarters. sbomb@22:14

Why do they just make fun of each other?
WP columnist Marc Fisher's 9-year-old daughter on viewing a dozen presidential campaign ads.

Editorial: Exit poll results: post 'em if you got 'em. sbomb@21:15

[Bush|Gore] Wins Presidency!
Kornelius Koongooz@16:23

It will be a rally either way. You basically have a choice between a candidate who is pro-business and one who is more pro-business.
Wall street is looking forward to a post-election rally, which should be good for the billionaires any way you slice it.

If you need to do some last-minute research about the choices you'll be met with in the voting booth today, you could do worse than look up your local chapter of the League of Women's Voters. Your local paper has probably published a voter's guide as well; check to see if it's online. sbomb@15:32

Anticipating the results: the WP offers a guide to watching the media watch the returns. sbomb@10:23

Perhaps there's a reason why Nader rallies seem so white, middle class, and disproportionately male; in short, so supported by those who wouldn't be hurt if Bush were in the White House.

-Gloria Steinem.

Today I had an incredible Masala Dosa for lunch. The best I've ever had, with three wonderful sides: a coconut dip, a spicy red curry sauce and lentil soup. Exceptional.


Here are a couple of statistical facts from our work in Texas that may be of interest. Please send it around to your list of people interested in criminal justice, as you see fit.
1. From the time in which George W. Bush won office in November 1994---in a campaign where he accused his opponent, Democrat Ann. Richards, of being soft on crime---the number of people serving time in Texas prisons on DWI charges jumped from 1,091 to 4,229 in 1998. So, from the year prior to George Bush becoming governor to 1998--the lastest year for which prison counts are broken down by offenses---the number of people imprisoned on DWI charges quadrupled. The percentage of Texas inmates imprisoned for DWI charges grew from 1.2% to 3.3%. (Source: Criminal Justice Policy Council)

2. In 1999, 92,895 people were arrested in Texas for DWI. Of those, 86,579 were white, and 5,969 were African American, and the rest were classified as Native American or Asian/Pacific. (Source: Texas Department of Criminal Justice).

3. In 1999, 106,516 people were arrested for drug offenses. Of those, 72,828 were white, and 33,397 were African American. As of 1998, there were 28,083 people imprisoned for drug offense in Texas, up from 18,602 in 1994. (TDCJ, and CJPC).

4. Though more whites are arrested than African Americans for both DWI and drug offenses, and while only 12% of Texans are African American, as of August, 1999, African Americans accounted for 44.2% of all Texas prisoners. (TDCJ). In August, we estimated that African Americans comprised 41% of Texas jail inmates.

5. In August, 2000, the Justice Policy Institute reported that Texas has the largest prison population in the country (161,000), that 1 in 20 Texas (5% Texas' adult population) was in prison, jail, parole, or probation, and that nearly 1 in 3 young African American men in Texas were under some form of criminal justice control. (Source: Justice Policy Institute, www.cjcj.org/texas)

If you'd like the source material on these statistics, please give us a call at (202) 737-7270, ext. 232

Jason Ziedenberg and Vincent Schiraldi
The Justice Policy Institute
(202) 737-7270
kate rhee
program director
prison moratorium project
T.  646/486.6715
F.  212/727.8616

dj: anyway...
dj: i ride around in these rickshaws... and they are always kidnapping tourists in shopping malls where they get a cut
S: kidnapping?
dj: not really kidnapping, but just taking you where they want to take you, not where you want to go.
dj: and there is nothing you can do about it.
S: gezu
dj: so it's like 20 minute kidnapping
S: like they take you to a shopping mall or something
dj: well there are no malls, but they take you to their buddies shops.
S: yeah
dj: i have heard some incredible lines while people try to sell me junk
dj: "two different artists, but the same motif. look at this!"
S: i remember shopping with you for minidiscs on canal street
dj: "You see here we have a sandalwood elephant. Sandalwood is good luck and soon will be extinct. Here is a baby elephant carved inside of another larger elephant. Imagine the patience of that artist!!"
S: i love it
dj: Yes, I remember that minidisc shopping trip.
dj: It was great fun.
dj: That's what India is like 24x7.
S: poor sandalwood
S: i'm fascinated by the animals roaming around the cities
dj: Yeah I really am worried about the dissapearance of sandalwood from the world.

To hold infinity in the palm of your hand -- not quite, but Planetarium for the Palm comes pretty close. sbomb@12:19

The multi-talented Gillian Anderson drops LAN switching science for RouterGod.com. sbomb@12:14

It is olive picking season in Palestine. thanks, le blogeur. sbomb@12:09


Around Town has a listing of all the vegetarian restaraunts in Delhi. There's also a nice feature on a vegetarian festival going on this week in the print edition.
The India Times has comprehensive English language news. But left out are some great editorials that were in the print edition about the presence of foreign cricket players in the Indian Eleven league. Here's an excerpt from the pro-integration side:

... It will be justifiable on sociological and psychological grounds... hiring foreign players will appeal to our slave mentality fostered by centuries of colonial rule. Sociologists will tell you that anything with foreign connections has an elitist overtone for us.



The mothers are going to walk right up to that computer and say, My children are dying, what can you do? They're not going to sit there and like, browse eBay or something.
Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates addressing the Creating Digital Dividends conference in Seattle.


Isn't this gambling? Bodamizer@15:46

What emerged from this septic tank was this: when the chips are down, New York City Democrats often seem to see enemies only on the left, and are friendly to, or at least collude with, deviations to the right. At the meeting, it was noted that New York Democrats have, from time to time, endorsed Giuliani or others of that ilk for motives of presumed political expediency or shared ideology, and the Party has, in those circumstances, winked and looked the other way. But they seek to purge Democrats who, for reasons of conscience and intelligence, support Nader.

Forget vote swapping or strategic voting. Vote for Nader everywhere. The Democrats have lost credibility.


My initiation into the mysteries of the database came unexpectedly today, with a request for a quick-and-dirty Microsoft Access job. I was delighted to discover that O'Reilly offers up database design principles as a sample chapter on their site. Of course, I started to get lost about 1/6 of the way in when the author talks about normal forms, but this totally abstract theory is just the stuff I love to smash my head on over and over and over until something breaks. sbomb@16:59

The e-mail's creator could be guilty of voter fraud, a felony that carries a penalty of 16 months to three years in prison. sbomb@14:56

Cornel West: I’m for brother Ralph Nader. Not because he’s a perfect candidate — no candidate is perfect. But for me on personal grounds, I reached a point where working people and poor people are so disregarded and disrespected by a corporate-dominated Democratic Party that you have to begin a new cycle somewhere with somebody. And this broadens the discourse and broadens the engagement. And maybe we can see a little leftward leaning in the Dem ocratic Party. We shall see.

Salim Muwakkil: The choice between Green Party candidate Ralph Nader and Democrat Al Gore is an agonizing choice, for all the obvious reasons. The choice is a bit clearer for African-Americans, however, who likely would bear the brunt of a Republican administration should George W. Bush squeak past Gore. What’s more, there’s a good chance that Congress will remain in the GOP’s hands; that dire prospect would set the stage for a three-branch assault on the very idea of an activist, progressive government. It was that idea that justified programs designed to redress the varied legacies of slavery and Jim Crow apartheid. I remember the dirty dozen years of the Reagan-Bush regime and its dire consequences. But I also remember how that era started and how many progressives urged a vote for independent candidate John Anderson in the 1980 election that launched Reagan; Jimmy Carter was too tepid a liberal for our tastes. The black community is still paying a steep price for the perverse policies put in place during that benighted era. Nader clearly is the best man for the job, but I’m voting for the lesser of the two-party evils. The worst of those evils is just too likely to cause too much damage.

Ishmael Reed: The white left can afford to experiment with Nader, because they agree with Bush that the problems African-Americans face are traceable to their personal behavior. As an African-American, I have to go with Gore, given the alternative. The Bush family gave us Willie Horton, drugs in the inner city, the outrage of Tulia, Texas, where 17 percent of the adult African-American population was rounded up and humiliated before photographers on trumped-up drug charges that were based upon the testimony of a corrupt undercover agent. And recently George W. Bush and his wife defended the Confederate flag. She even said that the Confederate flag was part of the Southern heritage. I wonder what heritage she’s talking about? Whipping people? George Bush’s enthusing about the reading scores of African-American fourth-graders has got to be the most cynical act in recent political history. The Bush family is always using black people for one purpose or the other. Bush’s father is famous for the Willie Horton campaign, in which they used a negative image of black people to gain 30 points among white male voters in the South during the time that Horton ad was used. In this case, they’re using black people to show their compassionate conservatism.
Check out this great LA Weekly feature to see who other lefty thinkers are voting for and why.

Due to an anticipated voter turnout much larger than originally expected, the polling facilities may not be able to handle the load all at once. Therefore, Democrats are requested to vote on Tuesday, November 7, and Republicans on Wednesday, November 8. Please pass this message along and help us to make sure that nobody gets left out.

2000 Presidential Election Commission

If you happen to find yourself in conversation with a stranger, what's wrong with talking about France's surprising victory in the World Cup, say, instead of mining the Francophile roots of ambulatory social commentary?
Patrick Tracey struggles with the merits and demerits of psychogeography for the Washington City Paper. I am heartened to discover that the Washington Psychogeography Association is now accepting members.

I love this bilingual presentation of The Cure B-Sides lyrics. Now why haven't these songs been released on anything but a too-long tangle-prone cassette? sbomb@10:48

For the first time, all Oregon ballots will be cast by mail (or dropped off at 240 sites). So will more than half the votes in Washington state and one-third in California.
Washington could be a long nail-biter - ballots must be postmarked by Nov. 7 but can arrive as late as Nov. 22 and still get counted. In 1996, 51.2 percent of Washington voters cast mail ballots. And it seemed to take forever this winter to count Washington's primary vote.
Oregon starts counting ballots on Election Day morning but California - which expects 4.5 million mail ballots - won't even start until polls close at 8 p.m.

Normally I'd be loathe to put something here from the New York Post, but this column was actually pretty interesting. We may not know the winner of the election on November 7.

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