Our New Apartment!

Well, we are getting moved in to our new apartment!
It's a mess, but everything is here now.
(Also, our control of the quality of the photographs has been hindered by the fact that Daddy's monitor is messed up.
While the blue and red lights on our monitor work, we no longer have green.)

Here is our back deck.
Mommy has lots of pretty pots and containers.
The prettiest one is at the foot of the back stairs, because it weighs about 80 lbs.
and since Daddy doesn't have his health card yet, he's not going to risk trying to lug it up to the deck.

Here's the living room.
Mommy and I are napping on the new couch.

Here's the rest of the living room / dining room area.
We hope to have this organized in the next 8 or 9 months.

Here's a view from the window.
You can see the used record store and the Indian resturaunt.

See more pictures of the place.