


                                   girl ....

.x.the girl

.x.the word

.x.the look

.x.the amusements

.x.the randoms exact

.x.the works of art
wow, do you guys like the new colors? i updated it for once. i like it. eventually four of the pages will have backgrounds that are pictures of the walls in my room, via the brand newi digital camera!! yes, you read it right. new camera. its very nice. this is a preview of what some pages will end up looking somewhat like. its time for me to go to bed. i have band tomorrow morning. with my brand new tenor sax. and brand new bass clarinet. yay. courtesy of the school. they are very splendid. well, goodnight everyone.

-ellen; 10:39 pm

I've decided to dedicate a whole page to yahoo doodles like i had before so long ago. but since no one discovered doodle until recently they were all dumb and pointless. well, some. but.. i don't konw. so since the stalkers page doesn't exist, i'm changing it to the creativity page. i swear, i made the stalkers link with full intentions of making a stalkers page.. but i never got around to it. but my internet is fast now. so... yay? i don't know. who cares. who even reads this anyways.
oh, i got zelda wind waker. for all you who are wondering.. it rules. it is the apidimy of zeldas. its sortof liek ocarina of time. even if the graphics are cartoony, who cares? i loved zelda when it was all crappy non cell shading plain old nintendo. well, oh well. convert to yahooism.. you will love it. i'm going to go doodle some more. its all sorts of entertaining.
-ellen; 1:06 AM.

I've redone some of this a little. i think i might consider writing a blog-journal type thing here from now. it seems to work alot better than it is working in the other page. woa, that was weird. i jsut had this crazy like, epilepsy thing. not really, lol. but it felt like it. would you like me to update now?
well, last night was mike's birthday shindig. much fun. you konw what, i've already described this like 6 billion times so i think i will just let you all ask me later. lol. i'm going to go fold laundry now. ttyl.