Ouverture for Samira




Eric Ponty


I–p / Samira

The time didn't take your face 

I sculpted it so that more triplet 

I melted him as your image... 


I see you as a continent, 

past and your present... 


It is sweet as the pulp of the fruit 

that emerges of the spring... 




I want to sing you as the spring 

that it flows with its aromatic effluviums, 

they pass and they overstep for the time 

for the landscape that was immerged. 


I want to sing you with the spring 

adensada for the songs of the birds 

submerged in its basic initials 

as unexplored petals of a flower. 




Your silence transfigures in the afternoon 

that melancholic it hides inside of the groan, 

of one time that was discovered past, 

unable to dialogue with the present. 


Your silence is a dialogue without speech 

an ouverture that plays the infinite, 

shade that hides the own afternoon. 




I try to keep your name 

as an angelical enigma 

the latitude of your dimension 

in the transformation of the desire.


I try to find, the meaning,

to transfigure the legend that it was forgotten,

to unfold of the future for the past, 

where its complement was revealed I unite. 




In the legend your name was registered, 

a history that transcends your speech, 

that narrated us as it was the beginning 

where jumped the color of your hair. 


The history is permeated 

where princesses were submerged 

in the other landscapes advindas of another legends. 




Nude is the source that flows

infinite statue that makes sleepy 

sôfrega in your glance that murmurs, 

beautiful oasis of a deserted embrumecido. 


Nude is the fog of a sea, 

that it hides the blue sky of the afternoon, 

that plays the torrid sand that burns. 





I think of the reflex of your hair, 

as waves that they are broken against the beach, 

where the castles of sand are ended.




I think of the effluvium of your hair, 

where the aroma reminds the dense forest 

that is still hidden by your dreams. 




I think of the density of the night 

that hides its clear face 

as a dense night veil. 


I think of the clarity of the moon 

that simulates the reflex of your face 

lit up in the afternoon that are ended.