AFA Analysis

Evil wears many masks in this world, but none so dangerous as the mask of righteousness. The American Family Association (AFA) is a group of Christian Fundamentalists who have come together in a common belief that the world we live in has been corrupted by immorality. They have decided to fight back against this corruption by trying to re-instate the "proper" religious morals given to us by the Bible. These moral views are narrow minded in the extreme and are often full of hate and prejudice. They often voice their beliefs that abortion is wrong, that homosexuality is a sin, that separation of church and state is a violation of their rights, that the media isn't biased enough in favour of Christianity and much more. The more I read articles from their website ( the more angry and horrified I become. So why do I keep going to their site? It's like a train wreck. I don't want to see, but I can't turn away. I was thinking of ranting about them in my Rant and Roar section, but there is just far too much that I have to say. That's why I have created this section. Every so often, I will chose an article from their website and analyze it. I don't know if they store their articles on their website or if they remove them after time, so you might encounter some broken links.

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Intolerance Notion a Double Standard
By: Jason Collum
Written: 7/13/00


My response:

It's the height of irony when the hypocrite yells at others for being hypocritical. There is so much stupidity in today's article that I don't even know where to begin! I guess I'll just jump right in.

Once upon a time, a person could hold and voice views based upon Biblical beliefs without being
automatically labeled right wing or a nut. Once upon a time the concept of marriage meaning
anything besides the union of a man and woman was inconceivable, or at least frowned upon.

Yup, and once upon a time being drunk was a good defense for rape. What's your point?

But times have changed. Those of us who hold traditional Biblical beliefs are stereotyped as
being behind the times, or, I believe the word nowadays is "intolerant."

That's because we, as a society, are starting to grow up. No longer are we content to let ignorance and hate rule our lives. Mr. Collum is demonstrating that he clearly IS behind the times by not learning to let go of his intolerance. He's angry at being called intolerant, but refuses to let go of his intolerant views. The only reason "traditional Biblical beliefs" are viewed as "behind the times" is because times have changed! We no longer live in a time where you can get away with promoting hate based on religion. Those who try are not only showing us that they are behind the times, but are showing us WHY they are behind the times. They are unable to understand what makes a view tolerant or intolerant.

It seems to me there's a double standard in place. And there's no place, absolutely no place, for
double standards.

No argument here.

Let's explore this notion of intolerance. Dr. Laura Schlessinger has come under heavy attack
from gay and lesbian activists because of her views on family values. Dr. Laura is against
homosexuality, calling it "a biological error," a statement that, if you think about it, is backed up
by science, which was her argument.

I'm still trying to figure out if what Collum says here is based on total ignorance, or complete stupidity. I think I'm gonna have to go with stupidity. The main reason being that the AFA themselves have put forth articles claiming that Homosexuality is NOT related to biology at all. You can read one of these articles by clicking HERE. So, since Collum's own group denies the very notion that homosexuality is biological, then clearly he can't believe the claim that homosexuality is "a biological error" unless he is profoundly stupid.

Now, thanks to pressure being placed upon them by gay and lesbian activist groups, several of
Dr. Laura's core program sponsors have backed away from supporting her, apparently afraid to be
associated with someone who speaks her mind and exercises her First Amendment rights.
These activists have said Dr. Laura is involved in a campaign of hate, and they want her to stop.
They have waged a huge battle to silence Dr. Laura. One huge group, fighting to stifle the words
of one individual, words that don't promote hatred or violence.

Now, who's intolerant here? When you or I or Dr. Laura aren't free to voice our opinions on such
things, that smacks of intolerance. When one side is free to voice its opinion, but the other side
isn't because some view those statements as hurtful or contrary to their beliefs, that's

Yup. I'm definitely gonna have to go with stupidity. Firstly, Dr. Laura's words DO promote hate. They tell people to hate gays and lesbians because they are not normal. And, as we all know, hate usually leads to violence. As for the question "Now, who's intolerant here?" the answer is YOU are Mr. Collum. Your freedom to voice your opinion ends when it infringes on the rights of others. Since the AFA is so vocal in their protests of those who denounce Christianity, I would have thought you would understand this.

But does the other side see it that way?

Let's say it together: double standard.

Once upon a time, this would have been unheard of. But then, once upon a time this nation
wasn't morally corrupt. Once upon a time we could look to our leaders not only to establish the
law for us to live by, but also to be examples of honest, trustworthy, God-fearing citizens.

Once upon a time we wouldn't see some leaders practicing blatant hypocrisy by preaching family
values while at the same time promoting marriage rights between homosexuals.

Let's say it together Mr. Collum: double standard. What gives heterosexuals the right to get married, but not homosexuals? That sounds like a double standard to me. And, you know, I remember someone once saying that "there's no place, absolutely no place, for double standards." Clearly Mr. Collum isn't against the double standards that are in his favour.

Why, if I'm so dissatisfied with the way things are, don't I pack my bags and move to some
isolated island in the Pacific?

Three reasons. First, I wouldn't give the other side the pleasure of knowing they'd silenced
another voice for fairness and what's Biblically right. Second, what good would leaving do? It'd be
abdicating a responsibility to do my part in correcting what's wrong in this country through either
political means or through my right of free speech. And, third, I've already moved enough this
year, thank you.

Once again, we can hear the hypocrisy ringing in Mr. Collum's words. He claims that he can say what he wants because of his right to free speech. Kind of ironic that the AFA has a boycott of Disney simply because they have a connection to the movie The Last Temptation of Christ. He seems to think that the right to free speech should only apply to those he agrees with. Let's say it again Mr. Collum: double standard.

How can I say what I'm saying isn't hate speech? Simple. Am I promoting violence? Have I
suggested any harm be done to any people? I don't think so. But, the spin doctors may already
be at work, with their double standards, saying I have.

Promoting hate doesn't always mean promoting violence. To claim that people are "wrong" or "immoral" IS promoting hate. This then LEADS to violence.

Once upon a time double standards weren't accepted. Of course, that was a time when our
standards were higher.

What Mr. Collum is saying, is that he's angry for not being applauded for promoting hate. He's also angry that he's no longer the only one protect by double standards..


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