AFA Analysis

Evil wears many masks in this world, but none so dangerous as the mask of righteousness. The American Family Association (AFA) is a group of Christian Fundamentalists who have come together in a common belief that the world we live in has been corrupted by immorality. They have decided to fight back against this corruption by trying to re-instate the "proper" religious morals given to us by the Bible. These moral views are narrow minded in the extreme and are often full of hate and prejudice. They often voice their beliefs that abortion is wrong, that homosexuality is a sin, that separation of church and state is a violation of their rights, that the media isn't biased enough in favour of Christianity and much more. The more I read articles from their website ( the more angry and horrified I become. So why do I keep going to their site? It's like a train wreck. I don't want to see, but I can't turn away. I was thinking of ranting about them in my Rant and Roar section, but there is just far too much that I have to say. That's why I have created this section. Every so often, I will chose an article from their website and analyze it. I don't know if they store their articles on their website or if they remove them after time, so you might encounter some broken links.

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Brainwashing in America
By: Berit Kjos
Written: 12/11/00


My response:

Do you smell something? I do. I can't quite tell what it is, but the scent is very strong. Maybe it's an evil brain altering gas released by a government run by the anti-Christ to force us into getting an education so we can become brilliant strategic planners for the coming battle with Jesus Christ? Wait... nope, that's not it. Now I recognize the smell! It's the scent of complete and total paranoia! Yup, that's definitely it! And the smell seems to be coming right from today's AFA article....

Brainwashing is not, as some educators and students contend,
Christian child-raising. American freedom includes the promise that
parents have the right to train their children to follow God's ways. The
word "brainwashing" refers to a planned, step-by-step attempt to
"wash" family-taught beliefs from the minds of those who oppose
government ideology. In America today, it would mean replacing the old
Biblical values and world view with a new way of thinking that would
support a totalitarian agenda. In other words, every child must become
a "peace child," a willing and active servant of a new world order.

Children are being taught to be tolerant and loving? Sweet merciful Lord NO!!!! Clearly this is a tragedy in the making! What's next? Will the government "brainwash" children into respecting all people and to treat everyone with respect? God forbid!! I guess Kjos believes that the only course of action is to teach these "peace children" some good old Biblical hatred!

You know, I think this is the first time I've ever heard a religious fundamentalist actually say that he's outraged that some people hold the belief that "all people should be treated equal". I mean, I've heard it implied, but Kjos actually comes out and says it here. Not only that, he goes so far as to say that people are being BRAINWASHED into thinking that all people should be treated equal. Most of the time, religious fundamentalists try vainly to show that their views are NOT prejudiced or hateful. Kjos decides to take the opposite route and says that we ALL should be prejudiced and hateful. Then he says the only reason we're not is because of some sort of evil government conspiracy. Yah.... ooookay Mr. Kjos.... whatever you say there. Someone clearly hasn't been taking his brain medicine lately....

A massive world-wide partnership is pioneering new strategies for
social transformation. The media, the entertainment industry, computer
companies, government agencies, educational institutions, the United
Nations and its accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
have all joined together in a common quest for a global mind change.
They seek solidarity -- a worldwide unity based on a new set of beliefs
and values. "Obsolete" and "exclusive" loyalties to national sovereignty,
Biblical values, and the the unadulterated U.S. Constitution stand in
their way.

You know, I find it amazing that this massive conspiracy involving all the world's leaders, computer companies, educational institutions and entertainment industries seems to go completely unnoticed by everyone..... except Mr. Kjos. It's a good thing his super-ability to "detect evil conspiracies" is working, or we'd all be in big trouble! I mean, even the conspiracies on the X-Files are more plausible than this theory! Assuming all the governments and companies in the world even had the ABILITY to join forces let alone the intention, what purpose would this evil plot serve anyway? Say it succeeds and all national sovereignty, Biblical values and Constitutions are discarded. What then? What exactly would this accomplish? I can't help picturing My. Kjos sitting at home with a shotgun in his hands glaring at every person who walks by his house thinking "he could be one of them..."

Conforming the masses to the new way of thinking requires all the
sophisticated tools and tactics already developed at the various
"behavioral science research" institutes and "education laboratories"
established first in England, then in the Soviet Union and Nazi
Germany, and finally in the United States. If today's psycho-social
engineers win their battle against an unsuspecting public, they would
"wash" away individual thinking, free speech and all the other "rights"
that have made America unique. The vacuum would be filled with lofty
ideals, enticing images and deceptive promises designed to mold
minds that match their global vision. Group thinking and a broad range
of "incentives" would enforce compliance.

Calling Mr. Kjos insane would be like calling the sun "a bit warm." I think it's time the nice men in the white coats took Mr. Kjos back to the mental hospital. I don't even know where to begin analyzing this paragraph! I think it pretty much speaks for itself. Nothing I could say would make him sound MORE paranoid. His "theory" is just plain wacko. I mean, the question still remains, WHY would anyone want to do this? Say all free thought and free speech are wiped out. Who does this help? It doesn't help the government. I mean, let's assume that the government plans to make an army of thoughtless zombies and they set up this plan so that they themselves wouldn't be affected by this "brainwashing". Then what? What exactly would they DO with this zombie army? And what happens when they die of old age? No one will be left but brainless zombies. I guess the evil government officials didn't think their plan through very well. Kjos makes the government sound like a James Bond villain. Also, I have to say that I find it oh-so ironic that Mr. Kjos thinks that the government is trying to ""wash" away individual thinking". I mean, if what he's saying IS true, then I'm sure the government is using the Church as a guide since it does that job so effectively. I mean, Mr. Kjos is a prime example! It seems like he hasn't had a single individual thought in his entire life.


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