A Little Bit About Me



Well, if you're here, it means A) that you exist and B) that you actually want to know stuff about me (which kind of disproves A, but whatever). So, where to do I begin? Well those two pictures at the top of the page are of the "head" portion of my body (or so I'm told). The picture of the big fuzzy thing is... well... not really relevant to anything. He's a cute bugger though, isn't he? Anyhoo, I was born and raised here in Montreal, Quebec which is in the lovely country of Canada. I'm Jewish and I have one sibling: my older brother Lorin.

I am currently attending Concordia University and studying Journalism. I entered Journalism because I love to write, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. It seems to me however, that aside from magazine journalism, which I haven't been able to take a course in yet, I don't think Journalism is really something I want to do for a living. Despite this, I'm still intent on trying to finish my BA in Journalism. You can check out my Academic Stuff section for more of my views on Journalism.

Ever since I've taken a philosophy class as an elective in my first semester at Concordia, I've come to realize that my heart truly lies there. The more classes I take, the more I love it. While many view Philosophy as a useless field of study because there are no absolute answers and because "you can't get a job with a Philosophy degree", I can't help but view it as a method of finding the truth to the world. Philosophy is one of the few fields which is dedicated to explaining and understanding the world we live in. While science tries to explain HOW things work, it does not try to explain WHY things work. That is why philosophy is so appealing to me. Through philosophy, we have a method of understanding our lives, the world we live in and our very existence. In doing this, we can better understand ourselves and I think that is one of the most fulfilling experiences a person can have. It is for this reason that I ignore those who claim that majoring in philosophy is useless. The quest for the truth seems like a much more honorable pursuit than the quest for a big house. That is why I plan on doing a second major in Philosophy. I also want to applaud those who are doing a major in Philosophy despite people's arguments.

Before Concordia, I attended Marianopolis College. Marianopolis is a CEGEP, and if you're not from Quebec, you're probably not familiar with the concept of CEGEP. Instead of having Middle School, we go to High School (grade 7 to grade 11) straight from Elementary (K to grade 6). After High School, we have 2 years of something called Collège d'Enseignement Général Et Professionnel (CEGEP). It takes the place of grade 12 and first year University. It's essentially pre-University. When entering CEGEP, you have to choose an area of concentration (much like University, only the areas of study are much broader). Social Studies, Commerce, Pure and Applied Sciences, Music, etc. I went through Commerce.

Science was never my thing and I've always hated science classes. In my required chemistry course in high school, the only thing I understood was how to read one of the thermometers properly. So, to leave some academic doors open, I went through Commerce when I was at Marianopolis. Boy, was THAT a mistake. After trudging through Calculus, Calculus II, Macroeconomics and Linear Algebra, I realized that those were doors that I definitely didn't want opened.

Now for those who like their information in bite sized chunks, here's some more basic info about me.


Birthday: August 18, 1980
Currently Attending: Concordia University (For all you Americans, this is NOT the Christian school located in Austin)
Major: Journalism (and soon to be a double major: Journalism - Philosophy)
Living in: Montreal
Nick names: Ek, Beeble, Er (pronounced "Air") and Erby (pronounced "Air-Bee")
Hobbies: Writing, listening to music and discussing philosophy

Favourite Bands: Great Big Sea, Barenaked Ladies, Counting Crows
Favourite Quote: "The seeker after truth must, once in the course of his life, doubt everything, as far as is possible" - Rene Descartes
Favourite Food:
Buffalo Bill's buffalo wings, a Dagwoods sandwich (you gotta love a Dagwoods' sandwich), Chicago Joes' Steak Encore Steak Sub, Chicago Joes' Pizza
Favourite Book: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Favourite TV shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Family guy, Dennis Miller Live, Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Favourite Transformer: Optimus Prime
Favourite Gummy Bear: Tubby
Favourite Muppets: Pepe and Animal
Favourite Movie: The Shawshank Redemption
Favourite Comedians: Janeane Garofalo, Dennis Miller and Dennis Leary
Favourite Comic Strip: This one shouldn't be too hard to figure out. If you came looking for more Calvin and Hobbes related stuff, then check out my Shrine to Calvin and Hobbes.
Favourite 80s sitcom: Perfect Strangers
Favourite 80s cartoon about rock stars who get sucked into a cartoon world: Scooby Doo.. no wait... Kidd Video

Number of times I've used the word "zwieback": 0... well, I guess once now.
Number of times I've accidentally studied for a test from the wrong textbook: 1
Number of times my friend Noah has given me sex advice out of the blue for no reason whatsoever: 3
Number of times I wanted sex advice (or advice of any kind for that matter) from Noah for any reason at all: -42
Number of times I've made a huge ass of myself in public: Lost count
Number of times my friends (especially Rosie) bring up the times I've made a huge ass of myself in public: triple the amount of times I've actually made an ass of myself.
Number of times Rosie has accused me of not listening to her while we were talking on the phone: Not sure, but it's got to be well over 100 by now.
Topics that were being discussed when Rosie accused me of not listening: I don't know... I wasn't listening.
If I could be any kind of tree, what kind of tree would I be?:
If I were stranded on a desert island and I could only bring one thing, what would it be?: A beeper (I love irony)


Here's a picture of me from the road trip Rosie and I took last summer. Hehehe No Dumping :)


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