News & Noteworthy:
Articles Concerning Sex Offender Issues ©
It is our intent to create a respectful environment for understanding and healing, a Discussion-Zone for Related Topics, while maintaining our Visitors' Zones-of-Privacy, and to interact on a non-judgmental basis. Today far too many communities fail to even allow discussion on these topics!
Updated as news and court cases becomes available. Topics, issues, court cases, and consequences facing former sex offenders and those accused (adults & juveniles), in prison, jail, civil commitment and LifeAfter in society. The truth about recidivism, dangerousness, registration, community notification, harassment -to- vigilantism, therapy, and community issues of housing, employment and schools. United Nations human rights issues addressed. Site keeps advocates, criminal justice and mental health professionals, and public policy decision makers up to date.
Consolidated facts, statistics and stories behind deaths, murders, suicides and vigilantism stories.
This page came about from questions that have been asked about the blogs and persons in them.
The blogs: Suicides & Other Deaths     Murders     Vigilantism    Deaths of Others
CLICK to submit a news story or ask a question.
STATE ORDER: Stories behind cases in the United States
Definition of: Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Alabama Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Alaska Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Arizona Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Arkansas Suicides Murders Vigilantism
California Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Colorado Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Connecticut Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Delaware Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Florida Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Georgia Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Hawaii Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Idaho Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Illinois Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Indiana Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Iowa Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Kansas Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Kentucky Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Louisiana Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Maine Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Maryland Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Massachusetts Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Michigan Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Minnesota Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Mississippi Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Missouri Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Montana Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Nebraska Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Nevada Suicides Murders Vigilantism
New Hampshire Suicides Murders Vigilantism
New Jersey Suicides Murders Vigilantism
New Mexico Suicides Murders Vigilantism
New York Suicides Murders Vigilantism
North Carolina Suicides Murders Vigilantism
North Dakota Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Ohio Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Oklahoma Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Oregon Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Pennsylvania Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Puerto Rico Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Rhode Island Suicides Murders Vigilantism
South Carolina Suicides Murders Vigilantism
South Dakota Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Tennessee Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Texas Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Utah Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Vermont Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Virginia Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Washington Suicides Murders Vigilantism
West Virginia Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Wisconsin Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Wyoming Suicides Murders Vigilantism

COUNTRY ORDER: Stories behind cases in Foreign Countries
Australia Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Bali Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Brazil Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Bulgaria Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Cambodia Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Canada Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Denmark Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Dominica Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Fijii Suicides Murders Vigilantism
France Suicides Murders Vigilantism
India Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Iran Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Ireland Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Isle of Man Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Italy Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Jamaica Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Japan Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Kolata Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Korea Suicides Murders Vigilantism
New Zealand Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Philippines Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Russia Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Scotland Suicides Murders Vigilantism
South Africa Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Switzerland Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Trinidad Suicides Murders Vigilantism
United Kingdom Suicides Murders Vigilantism
Miscellaneous Statistics: WORLDWIDE

Death/s of Others: Sometimes innocent parties lose their lives when the offender or accused offender commits suicide (i.e., murder-suicides), or in the case of a shoot-out when police try to arrest someone (a person accused of a sex crime or a former sex offender), or a few other cases with unusual circumstances. We call these "Death/s of Others." To review these cases CLICK
Deaths - Not Qualified: Although we keep these stories they are not in our totals. These are stories about offenders who have died in ways that do not fit criteria for our blogs. i.e. Offenders who died of natural causes or accidents, etc. When evaluating submissions for our blogs if they match these offenders then we know immediately they should not be included. This saves us research time. CLICK to review these stories.
All of the statistics below come from either the Suicide or Murder Blogs. Further explanations of the terms used can be found here: Suicide Blog Overview -or- Murder Blog Overview.

Statistics are updated quarterly. Clicking on the link will show you the cases so classified and are updated upon notification of an incident. Note: Older suicide records are still being converted (Old System), we have hundreds more to go, murders are uptodate.
Deaths by Type of Offender:
by Cop
of Accused ROSs
of Accused SOs
of RSOs
of SOs
of Persons in a Sting
Because of Discipline
Weird-Act of Revenge
by Cop ?
of Accused RSOs
of Accused SOs
of RSOs
of SOs
of Mistaken IDs
of Multiple RSOs
of Multiple SOs
Deaths by Perpetrator:
by Acquaintance
by Burgulars
by Community
by Inmates
by Lack of Medical Care
by Neighbors
by Passerbys
by Public Servants
by Public Servants (Guards)
by Victims
by Vigilantes

by Other Used when person is killed during commision of another crime (not necessarily a sex crime)

by RSO/SO/Accused This figure generally results from suicide-murder cases. See "Other Deaths" for additional explanation.
Deaths Tied to Law / Public Registry / Community Notification:
Law - Community Notification
Law - Changed SO Law
Law - SO Nursing Home Law
Law - SO Public Registry Law
Law - SO Residency Law

Law - SO Residency Law
Note: Rare cases -From Others blog- would qualify for inclusion, one case in Georgia does.
Place of Death: Community is assumed unless one of the following.
In Jails - US
In Prisons - US
In Jails - FRN
In Prisons - FRN
In Jails - US
In Prisons - US
In Civil Commitment - US
In Jails - FRN
In Prisons - FRN
Manner of Death:
by Alcohol
by Blowing Up Car
by Carbon Monoxide
by Death Penalty
by Driving Car into Bridge
by Driving Car into police car
by Driving Car into Tree
by Driving Car into Truck
by Drowning
by Gunshot
by Hanging
by Home Fire
by Hunger Strike
by Jumping off Balconey
by Jumping off Bridge
by Jumping off Building
by Jumping off Cliff
by Jumping off Dam
by Machine
by Overdose
by Plastic Bag
by Razor
by Self-Immolation
by Slashing Throat
by Stepping in front of truck
by Train
by Throats Slashed
by Public Servant
by Vigilante
by Unknown Causes
by Arson of Home
by Bats - All Types
by Bled to Death
by Blunt Force Trama
by Decapitation
by Dismebering
by Freezing to Death
by Gunshot
by Hammer
by Ice Pick
by Knife
by Set Afire
by Smothering
by Stabbing
by Starvation
by Stoning
by Strangulation
by Sword
by Taser
by Throat Slit
by Vehicle Hit-Run
by Unknown Causes
Miscellaneous Death Facts:
of Clergy
of Public Servants
of School Employees
Extreme Violence
Suspicious Deaths: Under investigation.
Mobs/Crowds Involved
Teens Involved
Victim (RSO/SO) Mentally Ill/Imature
White Supremacists

Inmates Told of Crime
Extreme Violence
Thrill Killing
Death Occurred During Commission of a Crime

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"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one striking at the root." - Henry David Thoreau -
"I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life." RR