Assessing the key components of

Safety and Health Training


    1. Does the written training program include complete training for every employee in emergency procedures and in all potential hazards to which employees may be exposed?
    2. Do training records show that every employee received the planned training?
    3. Do the written evaluations of training indicate that the training was successful, and that the employees learned what was intended?
    4. Can employees tell you what hazards they are exposed to, why those hazards are a threat, and how they can help protect themselves and others?
    5. If PPE is used, can employees explain why they use it and how to use and maintain it properly?
    6. Do employees feel that health and safety training is adequate?
    7. Have employees been hurt or made ill by hazards of which they were completely unaware, or whose dangers they did not understand, or from which they did not know how to protect themselves?
    8. Have employees or resue workers ever been endangered by employees not knowing what to do or where to go in a given emergency situation?
    9. Are there hazards in the workplace that exist, at least in part, because one or more employees have not received adequate hazard control training?
    10. Are there any instances of employees not wearing required PPE properly because they have not received proper training? Or because they simply don't want to and the requirement is not enforced?
    1. Do training records indicate that all supervisors have been trained in their responsibilities to analyze work under their supervision for unrecognized hazards, to maintain physical protections, and to reinforce employee training through performance feedback and, where necessary, enforcement of safe work procedures and safety and health rules?
    2. Are supervisors aware of their responsibilities?
    3. Do employees confirm that supervisors are carrying out these duties?
    4. Has a supervisor's lack of understanding of safety and health responsibilities played a part in creating hazardous activities or conditions?
    1. Do training plans for managers include training in safety and health responsibilities?
    2. Do records indicate that all line managers have received this training?
    3. Do employees indicate that managers know and carry out their safety and health responsibilities?
    4. Has an incomplete or inaccurate understanding by management of its safety and health responsibilities played a part in the creation of hazardous activities or conditions?


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