Globalization is a hard-hurt operation for some countries
but necessary for entering to the 21st. Centurt

Globalization is a newe era of international development to enter to the next century. Due to the developmental differences between either east and west or north and south, globalization may casues some developmenta, technical and cultural shocks. This essay is focused on the reasons of these shocks and how globalization may correct the developmental strategies and life style of some countries and helping them to participate more effectively in the global development.

However, beside agriculural activities, industrialization in the development countries can be classified to true- and pseudo-industrial development. In the first case, the country invests in scinence and technology and the industrial activites are based mainly on locally developed Research and Developmnt (R&D). On the other hand, the pseudo- industrial development way is based on a complete dependency on a foreign R&D (through either legal or illegal way). Moreover, most of these industrial activities, in the later case, are based on one-step assembling process or packing just to overcome the high taxes which should be paid for the end product to inter this market. This type of closed-market-countries  (CMC) should be live in reality and be more effective in the world development. Thus,  gloablization will leads to an industrial maturation and true international development.
The other fruit of gloabalization will appear after the dissolution of the artificial borders between the nations (Culture, Race and Religion) through direct or indirect contact and the people will start an international dialogue. This will bring not only a contact and friendship between different groups but will leads to an improvement of the life style and each one will see his life and habit in the eyes of others and re-evaluate his life according to internationl basis. Thus, we learn from each others and

The main shock will be a developmental shock, which is a result of the gap between different countires in the following four main elements:
Knowledge, Education, Science and Technology

The gap in knowledge and education will resulted in a gap in science and technology as well and this will reflect in the development of this country. The first two elements for the development of any countries are like the left and right leg, which help the country to move with others. While scince and technology like the hands to develop and to do work and participate actively in the internationl development. If the country has such legs and hands, accompained by brain (good management system) to move in the right direction after the correct decision taken in a democratic political system, thsi country will be classified  as developed country
WAAS meeting, October 1998, Vancouver, Canada
Dr. Hesham A. El-Enshasy
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