Neo Dreams
  Not a few people have ask if Neo means that I am a Neo Nazi. No, it does not. While I am a skin head I am a none racist , gay , skin. There are a number of us on the web and through out the world. It is nothing new or sinister. I actually took the name Neo from the movie , The Matrix, because I thought it and the movie were cool.
    One of the first things I am asked when I tell someone I am a gay skin head is "what the hell is that?" It is very simple. A gay skin head is a gay male that upholds the ideas and life style of the shik heads from the ground work set donw in the 1960's and 70's. There is more about  this in the section of this site intitled "
    One of the strong points to my personal veiws thouhg is that as a working class male I have a roll to play in the world just like the rich , white, straight males only the working class are in greater number and far stronger so, we are infact enslaved by choice.
I am also oppossed to the idea that all gay men must be a bunch of limp wrist , weaklings , who cannot serve their country, play an active roll in leadership and, are subject to being seen as a lesser class due to the image that gay men are only after sex. While the larger percentage seem to be not all of us are.
     To be proud of being a man and not afriad of acting like a man is something that every man , gay or straight, should have the right to do.
    On the reverse side I must admitt I do not understand Drag, flammers or the lot. I do not pretend to understand nor feel comfortable with it anymore than they do not feel comefortable with my skin existance. What I must respect is their right to do what they will and understand that it does take a degree of "balls" to stand up in a dress as a man. (even if I would never be caught dead in one.)
     For more info on Gay Skins see: (
Beliefs) and check out some of the links I have also.
About Me
Neo Dreams
Skin Dress Code
Gay Skins
Cam Page
Skin Pages