Ruin of Adventure

Part 10


"Destroyed?" said Philip, hoping it didn't mean what he thought it meant.

"Yes," Bill said. "All traces of their activities, including any people who know enough about them to cause them trouble. Unfortunately, that means not just me, but also my team. You see, they are in danger and do not know it. That is why I must get away from here and warn them. I also want to catch Big Charlie and his gang before the disappear with their goods. As we heard in the woods, they are worried, and they've moved the deadline forward to today. Time is running out."

"But what are their goods?" asked Jack.

But Bill didn't hear, he was already getting to his feet. "Right, time is short! I don't really want us to split up, so I suggest that we all go to the house. Let's go!"

They made their way to the front door of the house. Bill tried the handle and found it unlocked. "They're obviously not expecting any visitors," he said. Inside, Bill made his way to the under-the-stairs steps leading down to the cellar. "Wait here a moment," he told them. "If I remember correctly…"

When he reappeared, he was loading a revolver. Lucy-Ann jumped a bit. She didn't like guns. "Yes, I thought I had remembered seeing an ammunitions cabinet when they took me down there." He slipped the gun into his waistband.

"Can we get some food first?" asked Philip. "I feel like I'm fading away!"

"All right, but we must be quick," said Bill, glancing at his watch. They made their way into the kitchen, and had soon tucked into a loaf of bread and cheese. It made them feel much better.

"Now, a telephone," said Bill. "Have any of you seen one in your explorations of the house?"

Before any of them could answer, they heard footsteps in the hallway. They had no time to act before the door opened and Luke sauntered in. Bill drew his gun and pointed it steadily, but Luke was just as quick, and he grabbed Dinah who was standing nearest. She gave a squeal. Luke held her in front of him and held his revolver to her head.

Philip gave a shout. "Leave her alone!"

Luke just smiled evilly.

"Steady, Philip," warned Bill.

"I suggest you put that down," Luke sneered at Bill. "Or else girly here gets it." He pushed the barrel of the gun against Dinah's cheek, making her gasp.

Bill was frowning. He didn't like it, but he didn't see that he had much choice. He slowly bent and put the gun down on the floor.

"That's it," said Luke. "Now-"

Two things happened at once. Dinah, who could be very wilful when she wanted to be, stamped her foot down as hard as she could on Luke's toes. He lifted his leg in agony at the same moment as Jack, who had been near the wall and not noticed by Luke, brought a huge wooden chopping board down on Luke's head. Only standing on one leg, Luke couldn't keep his balance, and toppled, dazed, to the floor. The revolver fell from his hand and clattered across the flagstones. Jack sat on Luke before he could get up. Bill picked up both revolvers and pointed one at Luke.


"You stay there! Jack I think you can get off him now I've got him covered." Jack stood up and Luke also tried to get up, but Bill shouted at him.

"No, you just stay on the floor, where I can see you properly."

"What are we going to do with him?" asked Lucy-Ann apprehensively, eyeing the gun in Bill's hand.

"Don't worry I'm not going to shoot him, not that he doesn't deserve it," growled Bill. "Philip, go and see if you can find some rope, I think I saw some near the ammunition cabinet" Philip soon returned with some thick rope and he and Jack tied Luke's hands behind his back, and didn't hesitate in giving the ropes an extra tug as payback.

"Now then Luke," said Bill quietly, still covering Luke with his revolver. "Answer my questions, truthfully."

"Are the others any where near by?"

"Don't know."

"Jack, go and keep watch out one of the front windows, I don't trust this fellow," said Bill taking charge.

"Bill what are we going to do?" asked Dinah.

"I think it would be best to go back to the shed and hide up in the rafters again," said Bill. "Come on you, up. And don't try anything clever see!" They made their way into the hall and checked there was on one coming before quickly scurrying outside again and slipping back inside the shed and up the ladder and into the safety of the rafters. Luke had tried to be slow on purpose. He hadn't dare call out, but he pretended to have hurt his leg when he fell and tired to hold everyone up, until Bill poked him in the back with the gun. When they were all safely hidden once more, Bill continued firing his questions at Luke. The others sat in a corner and watched admiringly as Bill got to work.

"Is there a phone in the house I could use?"

"No, the only phone we have is the one Gavin has."

"What is this shipment, that Big Charlie is dealing?"

"Don't know," said Luke sullenly. Bill frowned and took a step towards him. "It's the truth," said Luke. "Big Charlie don't tell us nothing. We just do as he says and don't ask questions if we want paying." Bill sighed he knew the man was telling the truth.

"Okay, so you don't know what it is, where does it come from?"

"Don't know."

"Who buys it?"

"Don't know."

"Where is this place?" asked Bill gesturing around.

"Don't know."

"When is the deal going through?"

"Don't know."

"I'm getting tired of this, Luke," growled Bill. "I know you know more than your letting on. When is the deal going through?" Luke remained silent and then smirked at Bill.

"You think you're so clever don't you? You have no idea what's going on do you?" Bill grabbed Luke threateningly by the front of his shirt and spoke to him so quietly that the others couldn't hear what he was saying.

"We're not going to get much out of him," said Bill talking to the others."

"What are we going to do with him?" asked Philip. "We can't let him go, he would tell Gavin and Ian where we were."

"I agree. I think we'll keep him for a while anyway. You know, tit for tat. I think the best thing to do would be to wait until Big Charlie comes and then follow him somehow and see where he goes."

"Hadn't you better search him Bill," said Jack. "He might have a penknife or something that he could use to cut his ropes."

"Good thinking Jack, you search him." Jack felt in Luke's pockets and found not only a penknife, but also a set or keys.

"What are these keys for?" asked Bill. Luke pretended not to have heard him and just looked at the floor. Bill gave the keys to the girls to hold and they studied them with interest.

"Huffin and Puffin. Huffin and Puffin," said Kiki getting bored of having to be silent all the time.

"Bill I think this key is for a car," said Dinah showing Bill a thin key with a big black top.

"I think you're right Dinah," said Bill. "This could be a bit of luck for us. If we can find the car and hide in it, we can possibly follow Big Charlie wherever he goes and maybe find out a bit more."

"Yes that's an idea," said Jack. "How long have we got until Big Charlie comes back?"

"Just under an hour," said Bill checking his watch. "I think it would be best if you and Philip go and scout around for this car. See if you can open it, and then report back."

"Great, okay Bill," said Philip glad to be doing something at last. He and Jack with Kiki on his shoulder climbed down the ladder and went and listened by the door.

"Oh and boys," said Bill throwing them the keys. "Be careful."

"What are we going to do whilst the boys are gone?" asked Lucy-Ann.

"Wait," said Bill. "It's all we can do."


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