Ruin of Adventure

Part 7


Philip shone his torch downwards, and could make out Lucy-Ann and Jack in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. They had fallen down the staircase when it had appeared.

"Go down backwards," Philip told Dinah, and he made his way down to Lucy-Ann and Jack. Kiki was on Philip's shoulder. She didn't like the dark, and kept squawking "Turn on the light, turn on the light" quietly.

"Are you all right?" asked Dinah when they reached the bottom. Jack and Lucy-Ann nodded.

"We must be on the same level at the cellars now!" said Jack. "It's a secret passage. But don't get too excited, look." He shone his torch around. The bottom of the staircase ended with a stone wall!

"I think it's been bricked up," he said disappointedly. "We're not any closer."

"Don't give up yet," said Lucy-Ann. "There may be a loose brick we can pull down." She took Jack's torch and examined the wall. The others sat down on the bottom step, feeling defeated.

"There's a funny hole here," said Lucy-Ann. "About the size of my finger…" She poked her finger into it, and suddenly and silently the wall in front of them slid back into the room beyond. A dim light reached their eyes, and by it they could see a familiar figure sitting on the ground with his back to them. Bill!

Jack stopped Lucy-Ann running forward and shrieking in delight, which she had been about to do. He motioned to the others to be very quiet, pointing to the door out of the room, indicating that Luke would be sitting just the other side of it. They nodded, understanding. They moved forward quietly.

Bill gave a huge jump, then his face drew into a huge grin. He stared at them in amazement. He knew instinctively to be quiet - he had been in many situations before and it came naturally to him. Jack thought he looked tired but otherwise okay. He was secretly glad, for he had been afraid that the men might have mistreated him. But then he remembered the phone call that Luke had made. The 'Boss', whoever he was, wasn't here yet. That was when the interrogation would begin. They had to get away before then.

Excitedly the children pointed to the secret entrance to show Bill how they came to be in the room. Philip drew his penknife and swiftly cut the ties, for Bill was tightly bound at his hands and feet. Bill massaged his sore wrists and gave Philip and grateful thumbs up. Still without any words being exchanged, they headed back to the secret staircase. Kiki moved back and forwards on Jack's shoulder but didn't say a word. She knew when to be quiet. It was important to close the door again so that Luke wouldn't know how Bill had got out. Lucy-Ann stuck her finger in the small hole again, feeling very proud that it had been she that had discovered how to get to Bill. She felt the small catch that she had pushed before, and managed to tuck her little finger around it and pull it the other way. The door started to close, and they all stepped backwards quickly into the stairway.

Their torches were once again the only light, but in it Bill could see four excited and happy faces grinning at him. He felt relieved too. These men were not nice people, and he was afraid that harm had come to the children. The men had refused to tell him what had happened to them. "Do you have a place we can go to?" he whispered. They nodded eagerly, and Jack started to lead the way.

They got safely back up to the bedroom without making any noise. They all flopped down on the bed in relief at getting Bill back. They were sure things would turn out all right now. Bill however, stayed by the door, listening out for any sound from below, not letting his guard down for a second.

"Are you really all alright?" asked Bill concerned. "You have no idea how dreadful I felt, knowing I'd dragged you into my business. When I came to and saw what state the car was in…I…I…"

"Bill, really, we're all fine," said Philip. "You seem to have come off the worst of all of us."

"Yes, you do," said Lucy-Ann. "You still have blood on your face from the cut on your poor cheek."

"Do you feel alright Bill?" asked Jack. "You don't have concussion or anything do you?"

"No, I don't think so," said Bill. "Just a bit of a headache." Lucy-Ann got out her handkerchief and wet it with some of the water still left in the bottle and insisted on cleaning up Bill's cheek.

"So Bill who are these men?" asked Jack voicing the question they all wanted to know. "Do you know them, what do they want with you?"

"Yes, I know them, I know them very well. There're dangerous men, but I won't say any more now. I'll explain later. Tell me what's been happening with you." They told Bill all about how they had escaped by chance, and hidden in their various places.

"You see Bill, Luke was downstairs guarding you, and Gavin was in the loft and Ian was on this floor. He found Dinah on the stairs and do you know she pushed him and he toppled right down the stairs! Gavin had to take him to hospital, there're still there now as far as I know." Bill looked quite shocked and then he smiled. "Dinah, I know you have a fierce temper, but I wouldn't have thought that of you, still well done, I am proud of you!" Then Jack told them how he had gone exploring and heard voices and how they had worked out where Bill was hidden and found the secret entrance by chance.

"Well, I must say," said Bill looking round at the four, "I'm very glad you were here to help."

"Polly put the kettle on, naughty boy, naughty boy," chimed Kiki.

"Yes, of course Kiki, how rude of me. I know you played your part too," said Bill.

"Oh Bill, I nearly forgot," said Philip. "While Jack was off exploring I went and explored this floor and look, I found this." He brought out the piece of paper with the code on and handed it to Bill. Bill took it curiously and everyone watched as he examined it. Suddenly Bill's expression changed from puzzlement to concern. He started to frown and scanned the page urgently. The others noticed this and demanded to know if Bill could read the code.

"Not all of it, but I can understand enough and some of this stuff written here is news to me. It changes things… No, I'm sorry Jack, I won't tell you what it says, not yet anyway."

"What's wrong Bill?" asked Dinah as Bill looked around the room and then walked to the window and tried to open it.

"Is there any way out of this house?" asked Bill. We need to get out before the men realise I have gone and before anyone finds out you have seen this. I need to get in touch with a few people urgently! Is there any way out?"

"Bill, what's going on?" asked Lucy-Ann starting to get scared.

"Is there any way out?" demanded Bill again.

"No, none that we know of," said Philip startled. "We had a look around of course but we couldn't find anything, all the doors and windows are locked."

"There could be another secret passage out of here," said Dinah.

"Even if there is, it's unlikely we will find it," said Jack.

"Think, think," said Bill now pacing the floor. "We must think of a way to get out." The others all desperately tried to think of a way out that they hadn't though of.

"The men, the men," muttered Bill to himself. "Where did you say Gavin was when they were all searching for you?"

"In the loft," said Jack, and then he suddenly grew excited. "Bill, the loft, we haven't looked there, there might be a way to escape up there."

"Right, come on then," said Bill and made to the door and listened for a while before opening it. Then, turning round and seeing the others scared faces, he seemed to relax and then he smiled. "I'm sorry if you think I'm being a bit harsh, it's just that I'm used to working on my own. Don't worry, I'm not angry with you, I'm just preoccupied."

"We know Bill," whispered Philip. "It's okay."

"Good, right now come on team!"


They cautiously made their way to the door where Dinah had seen Gavin disappear and opened it. They saw a steep thin staircase leading upwards into the blackness. They all got out their torches and started to climb up the stairs, Bill bringing up the rear. The loft was surprising smaller than the rest of the house. It had a low arched roof and was covered in cobwebs. Dinah shivered, trying not to think about all the spiders that had made them. Kiki sneezed loudly and then said "Pardon!"

The loft was just as dark as the stairs and it soon became clear that there were no windows. They flashed their torches around and saw old bookcases and boxes lined along the walls. Their hope faded, it didn't look like they would ever escape.

"Bill," said Lucy-Ann taking Bill's hand. "I want to go home, I don't like this."

"I know, Lucy-Ann, just be brave. Remember nothing bad can happen to you while I am here." They all sat in one corner and tried to think of another plan. Kiki was entertaining everyone by doing all her noises in whispers. She knew when to be quiet. Just then they heard the sound of a car driving up to the house. A big car and the sound of slamming doors. Bill stood up sharply and took a couple of steps back before throwing himself against the low hanging roof.

"Bill! What on earth are you doing?" cried Dinah as Bill took another run up to the roof.

"He's trying to break through the tiles," said Philip realisation dawning on him. Bill took another run up and through himself against the roof, there was a splintering sound and then part of the roof gave way leaving a gaping hole that Bill nearly toppled out of. Lucy-Ann gave a small scream and Jack grabbed the back of Bill's jacket and pulled him backwards.

"Thanks Jack," said Bill rubbing his shoulder. I didn't try this earlier because I didn't want to make any noise, but now the other men have come back, they will no doubt go to talk to me and realise I'm gone and then they will look for us, and we mustn't be found."

"Are we going to climb down the house?" asked Philip cautiously peering through the hole in the roof. "It seems a long way down and surely we'd fall."

"Of course I wouldn't make you all climb down there!" said Bill. "Talk some sense Philip. That would be a stupid thing to do."

"Well what are we going to do?" asked Dinah. There were sounds of raised voices and more slamming of doors from below. Bill peered out of the roof before saying, "I noticed when they took me out of the boot, that this house was surrounded by trees. Well if you look just outside of here there is a tree touching the roof, about two metres to the left. I was hoping there might be. I think we could probably slide along the roof and then climb down the tree and find somewhere safe to hide."

"Bill that's a brilliant idea," said Philip feeling excited.

"Right, come on, quick," said Bill. "It sounds like they have discovered I'm missing from all the yelling and shouting they're doing. Philip you go first, then Dinah, then Lucy-Ann, then you Jack and I'll come last." Philip nodded and moved towards the hole. He peered downwards and was amazed at how high up they were. Bill gave him a leg up and then Philip was kneeling on the outside of the roof.

"Send for the Kiki, the doctor's got a cold," chimed in Kiki.

"Shh Kiki, now's not the time," said Jack.

"Poor Polly, poor Polly," said Kiki.

"Sit down on the edge of the roof, Philip," said Bill. "Then shimmy yourself across and climb onto the tree." Philip nodded and cautiously sat down on the edge of the roof, his legs dangling below him. He didn't feel too frightened; he enjoyed doing daring things like this. He heard Bill whisper to him.

"Philip, you'd better hurry up, I think we're running out of time!"


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