Famous Five

Chapter 1



“Oh do hurry up Anne,” cried George impatiently. “The boys will be waiting for us. You have been tying your shoe lace for simply ages.”

“I’m ready now,” said Anne standing up beside her cousin. “Let’s go and find the boys, I’m longing to see them.”

“Woof,” said Timmy joining in as usually.

“Timmy says he is too and so am I,” said George. “I always look forward to our summer hols, we seem to have such a nice long time together and they are such fun.”

“Oh look, there they are George, over there by the ice-cream stand, we should have guessed that’s where they would be.” Both girls ran over to the boys with Timmy haring along behind them. There was a lot of happy laughing and hugging as they all met up for the first time that holiday.

“Hello, Anne,” said Julian warmly giving his sister a hug. “My, you’ve grown, you’re not so little anymore. “Hi George, it’s good to see you again. Yes and you too Timmy, I see you’re just as mad as ever.

“We got in half an hour before you,” said Dick joining in. “So we thought we would have an ice while we waited for you. Do you want one before heading off to Kirrin?”

“Oh yes please,” said Anne beaming. “I just feel like an ice.” They were soon all eating ices happily while walking back along the scenic roads to Kirrin Cottage. George had invited them all to stay with her for the summer holidays and they were all looking forward to it enormously.

“I say, we’ve left our cases at the station,” said Dick suddenly. “What idiots we are.”

“Don’t worry silly,” said Anne. “I got a porter to deliver them to the house for us.”

“Well done Anne.” smiled Julian. “Organised as ever.” They were soon walking up the path to Kirrin Cottage with Timmy running ahead to announce their arrival. George opened the door and went in.

“Mother, mother, we’re home!” called George. Aunt Fanny appeared from a doorway looking a little harassed.

“Oh hello George dear, its lovely to see you again dear. I must warn you that…” Just then there came the sound of Uncle Quentin yelling down the stairs.

“Fanny, Fanny, where are you, have you found it yet?”

“No, not yet Quentin, the children are here!” called back Aunt Fanny.

“What have they come home for?”

“It’s the start of the summer holidays! We invited them to stay again, you know we did. I told you this morning.”

“You most certainly did not, I would have remembered it. Now have you found my papers yet?”

“No Quentin, I…”

“Well hurry up and help me look for them then,” yelled Uncle Quentin storming down the stairs. Anne felt quite scared and went and stood behind Julian. “I simply must have them! Have you checked the kitchen, the larder, the garden shed?”

“Quentin, be reasonable they wouldn’t be in the garden shed.”

“Well how do I know where they are?” yelled Uncle Quentin rushing back upstairs. “I know I’ll check the loft!” There came the sound of a crash followed by the grating sound of a ladder being drawn down.

“Maybe we had better go out for a walk for an hour or two,” suggested Julian. “It would give Uncle a while to find his papers, he won’t want us getting in the way.”

“Oh would you really not mind,” said Aunt Fanny looking very much relieved. “I’m sure everything will be back to normal by the time you come back, and I will have a tea waiting for you.”

“No we won’t mind in the slightest Aunt Fanny,” said Anne feeling pleased to get out the house, she hated Uncle Quentin’s moods. They left the house to calls of “Fanny, Fanny! Come and hold this ladder for me!”


“Dear old Uncle,” said Dick. “He is always losing some important document isn’t he?”

“Yes, I hope he finds it,” said Anne. “He rather scares me with his shouting.”

“Let’s go along the coast and have a look a Kirrin Island,” said George. “I would like to go over and visit her sometime these hols, we haven’t been for ages.” They walked companionably along the coast top, enjoying the cool sea breeze that was quiet refreshing after the hot sun. They were soon on the top of the hill and Kirrin Island came into view.

“My, she looks simply glorious,” said Julian. “So green and exciting.”

“Let’s sit down here beside this big bush for a while,” said Anne. “I’m hot and this bush will give us some shade.” They hadn’t been sitting there long when there came the sound of voices drifting along on the breeze. The five sat and listened as the voices drew nearer. They weren’t paying much attention until they heard one of the men say something that made them sit up.

“So it’s all arranged then?”

“Yes, we have everything we need on Kirrin Island, its all set for Monday night.”

“Good, now lets depart, and remember not a word to anyone.” There then came the sounds of the two men leaving. One, walking further along the coast and the other going down the hill. The five sat and looked at each other.

“What was all that about?” asked Dick.

“I don’t know,” said Julian. “It’s a bit peculiar isn’t it?”

“It sounds like something is going to happen on my Island,” said George in a fury. “No one is allowed on my Island, except us!”

“What day did they say?” asked Julian.

“Monday,” said Anne promptly.

“That’s tomorrow!” said Dick. “That’s not long from now, what on earth is up I wonder?”

“I don’t know,” said George. “But I am determined to find out!”


Chapter 2 >>

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