Gouverneur Middle School
Team A
Welcome to Team A's little corner of the web.  This page is developed as another means of communication between the teachers and the parents and students.  It will include many different items ranging from information about your teachers and your classmates to homework assignments and to current topics of study.  Hopefully this will become a popular means of communication, but it will not be the only means of communication.  If anyone has any comments, please email Mr. Bason or sign the guestbook.  Thanks!
Links to Class Information
Team A Teachers
Mr. Bason
Just click on the addresses
Mr. Sawyko:  lsawyko@gcs.neric.org
Mrs. Pereira:  tpereira@gcs.neric.org
Mrs. Patton: 
Mrs. Ronas sronas@gcs.neric.org
Mrs. Sergel  psergel@gcs.neric.org
Mrs. Bason  ebason@gcs.neric.org
Update announcement
Spanish: Mrs. Ronas or
Mrs. Bason
7th Grade Work
8th Grade Work
Type 3 form
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