Some questions for you to ponder.
What is the point of silent letters?

How come the advert for subtitles, doesn't have subtitles?

Who discovered you could milk a cow, and what the hell were they doing when they discovered it?

Why do smartie lids have letters on them?

Where are my slippers?

Does a dung beetle, know that it's a dung beetle?

Do plants have feelings?

How come some people can apply mascara without poking themselves in the eye with the wand?

If you have any more mysteries you'd like me to put up then let me know, by clicking on the link.
Or, if you know the answer to any of these questions, pleeeeeeeeeeaaase tell me. Thanx!
                    Let me know!
Although actually, i think i might have the one about milking a cow sussed, so if you wanna know, ur gonna have to ask me!ill give u a hint, it was a gal called katie.