Here is a bunch of my faveroutie jokes. enjoy!
Bob: Look at that bunch of cows1
Fred: Not bunch, herd.
Bob: Heard what?
Fred: Herd of cows.
Bob: Of course i've heard of cows.
Fred: No, i mean,  a cow herd!
Bob: So what if a cow heard I have no secrets from cows!

Q. What do you call a sheep with no legs?
A. a cloud.

Q. Whats big, red and eats rocks?
A. A big, red, rock eater.
I couldn't find a picture of a big, red, rock eater.
A man and a woman were driving along in a car when they hit a rabbit. Horified, they quickly stopped and the went over to where the injured rabbit was lying. Then the woman had an idea and rushed back to her car. she came back with a spray bottle. She squirted the rabbit, and then to the mans surprise the rabbit got up, ran a little way, turned round, waved at them, ran a bit further, turned round, waved, and continued like this till he was out of site. What on earth was in that bottle? asked the man, "hair(hare) spary." replied the woman, "it repairs damaged hares, and gives them a permanent wave!"
If you have any jokes you'd like me to add, let me know, by clicking on the link below.
email me
This joke is courtesy of wicked4kids
Tim: You've got a bannana in your ear.
Frank: What?
Tim: You've got a bannana in your ear.
Frank: What?
Tim: You've got a bannana in your ear.
Frank: Sorry, what did you say? I can't hear you. I've got a bannana in your ear.