Countable vs. Uncountable
Welcome to our EFL instructional Web page!  We focus on learning countable/uncountable nouns and quantifiers.  This Web page is designed for low-intermediate and non-academic EFL learners who have difficulty using those nouns and quantifiers outside of the classroom.
You are going to learn the differences between countable and uncountable nouns.

You will be able to command countable/uncoutable nouns and quantifiers after you finish all activities on this Web site.

Countable/uncountable nouns
Singular vs. Plural nouns
Wrap Up Exercise
Table of Contents:
I.  Countable/Uncountable: You will be able to learn and recognize the differences between countable and uncoutable nouns here.
Hide, Kuinyeo, Hyojin, Soyoung
-apple vs apples: You will distinguish singular and plural nouns in simple activities.
ENG652_Group A
-some/much vs. a something of:  You will get to know how to count nouns.
Click here for another instructional Web page
Click here for another instructional Web page
II.  Wrap Up Exercise:   You will use all knowlege you have learned here.  A listening exercise and interactive activity are also included.
Click here for another instructional Web page
Tips for this Web site:

First, please start with the "Countable/Uncountable" page to understand the basic concept about nouns.  Then, open the "apple vs. apples" page to learn the differences between singular and plural nouns.  After that, pleaes open the "some/much vs. a something of" page and you will learn how to use quantifiers.  Finally, on the "Wrap Up Exercise" page, you can check how much you understand and command the knowledge about countable and uncountable nouns.