Welcome! Xenogears: The Resurrection

Hehe! I've been updating a lot of layout dedication pages and of course you notice the new layout for Xenogears so what do you think? =D Well first of all you may have seen the old layout(well it didn't have a layout back then it was part of my main page ^^;) I know that Xenogears has been released a very long time ago and gamers probably know a lot about it already but nevertheless  I'm doing a dedication for my ever favorite game in playstation! I  finally managed to create this page up for such a long time ^-^.Well first, I wanted to create this page for xenogears because I considered it as game masterpiece that squaresoft created not only for great graphics but also because of its outstanding storyline which still remains unsurpassed and grabbed many people's hearts and of course of it's incredible soundtrack composed by Yasunori Mitsuda.

My Review of the Game
I think Xenogears is one of the most outstanding games created in the console of playstation. The graphics are made of detailed sprites and the fighting system is very unique, unlike the usual tap the 'x' button to attack you are able to make different combinations of attacks using the different buttons in the controller. Moreover, the characters develop in each part of the game, while playing it gives you the experience to really be with the characters, which allows you to build interest on what's gonna happen and what is their purpose in the game. The music is very very outstanding, the composer Yasunori Mitsuda did a great job on the music. Each music played in the game really brings out the kind of situation to be felt at that time. If you played the game you'll know what I mean. And of course what makes a great game is the story itself, the story is very complex and very unique, if it ever there be an anime created for Xenogears I'd be one of the first person to be watching it. I think Xenogears is really a must to RPGamers, something that no gamer should miss out cause it's all worth it I guarantee you that! =D