My name is Laura, and my nickname is "Doodles". I'm a 2nd year Junior Girl Scout in Troop 1161 in the Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital. I like to draw, write, paint, read, make things, and go camping! I like working in my Junior handbook, earning badges. As a Brownie, I earned more than 90 try-its! The summer of 1999, I started a GS/GG patch collection. I'm having lots of fun with it and learning about Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world!

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts of the Nation's Capital has a great website that tells about my council and some of its activities. The next nearest council to me is Girl Scouts of Central Maryland. I like visiting the Girl Scouts of the United States of America webpage. If you haven't been to the GSUSA webpage, you should go there before you visit any other webpages. There is an online safety program you need to learn before you use the internet. Check out the girl scout links page for resources for crafts, songs, and other stuff.

My Patch Collection

I started collecting GS/GG patches the summer of 1999. My brother and father already collect BSA CSP's and OA flaps, as well as other boy scout stuff. When my mom and I were looking for try-its I could do the summer of 1999, we thought of Hobbies. It was natural for me to start my own patch collection.

I've always wanted my own patches. My mom said she'd help me by typing notes in the computer and buying the patches I trade. I get to open all of the mail that is addressed to me and see what patches I have gotten. I mark the patch lists with the patches I receive. I also help put the patches in a BIG notebook with clear pages in it. The pages show six patches on each page.

My mom also helps me find the places the patches came from on maps in an atlas. I mark those places with a small teddy bear sticker. Sometimes people send postcards of their home country or town, pictures of their GS/GG uniforms, or other little GG/GS things. It's especially fun learning about Brownies like me all over the world!

Come see the patches I already have! Mom and Dad scanned the patches I currently have into the computer.

Come see the list of GSUSA patches I still need! Come see the international patches I still need!

Come see the patches I have available to trade!