

Yup. Just when you thought that you had gotten away...


Here, we like links. Links take you places. Links keep chains from falling apart. Links hold knitting together. Links are important in the game of football. Links make our golf courses what they are today. All this, and the link remains a favoured breakfast treat for many. Amazing. Simply amazing.

Anyways, how about some of those connecting links, eh?


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Anime Web Turnpike-Neato site with all kinds of anime links of all kinds!

Fanfiction.net-Jellyfishwoman posts as Enari Star, and Mr. Bubble posts as Mr.Bubble

Alex's Anime Gallery-The Munchkin Queen's website! She has some spiffy forums... Go see!

Mega Tokyo-In my opinion, one of the best webcomics out there. I recommend giving it a read.

Star Kingdoms-A really addictive online game... Fun indeed.

Stupid Stuff-Go there. End of statement.

Japanese-English Dictionary-Yay Japanese! Go learn some really bizarre words!

Names in Japanese-Go find out how to spell your name in Japanese! You know you wanna!

Counting For Lunatics-In my opinion, the BEST Gundam Wing web site out there. A must see.

"Classical Music Search"-You plink a melody into the site and it tells you the song name, etc.


Well, that's all for now, I'll add more as I get more, but if you have a site that you're dying to share with someone, then feel free to e-mail Jellyfishwoman and tell her anything and everything! ^-^ Happy Linking!


Index . FAQ . Info . Stories . Stuff