Misplaced Emotions - Chapter 01


Lots of graphic smuttiness, but with actual plot too. That is all.

“I just found her.” The guy was saying, “I know you have all these security procedures, but she looks so helpless.”
It was fitting that the postman who delivered to that particular part of Westchester happened to be a telekinetic himself. He made the slightest of hand movements and the sleeping form hovering three feet above the ground glided through the door.
Peter picked the girl out of the air, thanking the postman, and took her to the sofa in the lounge.
Sarah was watching television, some cartoon on the Fox Kids channel – it seemed there was a channel for everyone – she did a double take when she saw Peter carrying the girl in.
“Who’s the new girlfriend?” Marrow asked, only the tiniest hint of jealousy in her voice. She felt virtually nothing for Peter, but she appreciated his affection for her.
“I think this is a matter for Jean.” Peter said. Storm was elected leader whilst Charles was away, but this seemed to call the attention of a telepath. The girl stirred, her eyes flickering open to reveal a hostile, white glare. Sarah hadn’t noticed the look in the young girl’s eyes, but her senses were sharp and she felt that there was something wrong with her.
Suddenly there was a thump at the door,
“Shit!” came the voice behind the door. The door in question opened, a very disgruntled Kitty huffed in, followed by Kurt and Jean who were trying their hardest to control their laughter. “Fucking haematite jewellery.” Kitty was fuming. It had been three weeks since she discovered the magnetic field from haematite disrupted her ability to phase through solid objects.
“Zat was hilarious!” Kurt laughed, teleporting himself across the room just in time to miss Kitty’s swipe at him.
“Who’s this?” Jean asked as the figure on the couch came into view.
“I don’t know, I was hoping you could find out for us.” Peter said, looking down at the girl.
She had long, dark hair, pale skin covered in gashes and bruises, and strangely bright, white eyes. Her tight jeans were torn and bloodied, and only shreds of what might once have been a beautiful red and black corset-style top remained. Her arms looked like flesh battlefields.
“Mein Gott!” Kurt cried out, “What happened to her?”
“I’m trying to get a mind-link, but she’s shut off.” Jean lowered her head, “Something really bad must have happened for her mind to be this blocked.”
“Shall I carry her to Hank?” Peter asked, but Jean didn’t get a chance to answer before the front door was virtually ripped from its hinges.
Rogue stood in the doorway looking rather pissed off.
“Anyone seen a certain Cajun looking ta get his butt kicked?” she snarled,
“What’s he done now?” Sarah asked, she stood up, ready to defend the man who had made her life so much more bearable.
“Ah just ran into a bunch of guys who reckon they saw Remy getting wasted again last night.” She scowled, “Logan doesn’ seem ta be tryin’ ta stop him.”
“Gumbo’s got a will of his own, darlin’.” Logan said as he stood in the opposite doorway. The two swapped angry glares. Logan was pissed at Rogue for the way she’d been treating Remy since he’d found his own way back from Antarctica after his ‘girlfriend’ had left him for dead.
Meanwhile, Peter had picked up the girl and was carrying her towards the door Logan was standing by.
“I know you.” The girl said as they passed Logan.
“Don’t think so kid.” He replied.

“Oh my! These wounds are atrocious!” Hank exclaimed.
Logan had followed Jean and Peter to the infirmary out of curiosity. He couldn’t help feeling maybe he had seen that pale face somewhere before.
“What’s yer name, kid?” Logan asked, hoping a name might ring some proverbial bells.
“Emily.” She said, “But most people refer to me as ‘Cupid’s Bitch Sister’.”
After that she went quiet again. Hank asked the others to leave so he could examine the patient.
“Nice kid.” Logan said as they left the infirmary,
“Do you think she was…” Peter trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
“Yes.” Jean said. “I didn’t need to read her to see that.”
“World’s full of these sick bastards.” Logan muttered.

“If you could just slip this on… there, that’s better.” Hank looked at the girl sitting on the bed in a hospital gown. How old was she? Fifteen? Sixteen? He’d just finished cleaning up the cuts on her face; he started cleaning her neck,
“Oh!” he couldn’t help the surprised cry, the girl’s neck was covered in bites. Not love bites, actual bites, teeth marks, torn skin, and dried blood.
“Are there any more er, injuries you’d like me to look at?” Hank spoke in the gentle tone he’d learnt to use to detract from his frightening exterior.
“Why do you care?” the girl asked, she didn’t even look up.
Hank lifted her chin so that she was looking at him,
“Of course we care, you’ve been through a terrible ordeal from the look of it.”
She turned her head to one side.
“Well then I’m sorry for any of you who would have stopped it.”
He understood instantly half of what she was saying. No-one stopped her attacker. But why was she sorry?
Suddenly she turned to face him again.
“Thank-you, I won’t hurt you too much.”

“You bastard. You knew Remy was supposed ta be wit’ me las’ night.”
Yeah, so what?
He turned around,
“I was doin’ you a favour if you must know.” Logan said, “The boy was stoned, ya don’t wanna be around him when he gets like that.”
Bad move, bub.
“You let him get stoned! Do you want him dead?”
Logan was about to answer, to tell the arrogant bitch that he wouldn’t do what she usually did; beat the poor guy senseless if he looked at a spliff – some detox.
“Oh, Ah get it, that’s the only way y’all can get in his pants, isn’t it? Yah want him for yourself! Let him get stoned and he might fuck yah?!”
Oh boy, she’s getting it for that!
He blocked her punch and grabbed her by the throat.
“Wanna repeat that, Bitch?” he growled, flicking his claws out. “I don’t want yer boyfriend, okay? Besides, he was stone cold sober when he chose to be wit’ me instead of you.”
Someone tapped his shoulder.
“Didn’t anyone ever teach you that it’s wrong to hit ladies?” Cable asked.
She’s no lady.
“I wasn’t gonna hit her.” What was Cable doing here anyway?
I was gonna slice her throat open.
He put her down and stormed off in a huff.

The young man they were ‘discussing’ was in his room; bitterly regretting getting so fucking stoned the night before. He’d promised Stormy that he wouldn’t touch that shit again.
He’d promised.
He leaned over the side of the bed and emptied his stomach. Again.
Rogue was gonna be so mad with him. But the truth was he didn’t care. All he cared about was where his next trip was coming from.
There was fifty dollars in notes in his pants.
Where da fuck did dat come from?
Then it hit him.
“Shit.” He groaned as he realised he must have stolen it from Logan. What did he expect? He was a thief after all.
Well, dere goes da trust.
Now the problem was getting his ass out of this place so he could go score something. He’d have to find Diego, his dealer. He started dry heaving over the side of the bed, then rolled over onto his stomach, curled up in a ball and started crying over his own stupidity.

Storm knew Remy had been stoned the night before. She’d heard him crashing around as he tried to find his room. She wished if Logan wasn’t going to stop him getting that wasted he’d at least help the guy find his bed.
On the surface she blamed herself for Remy’s drug problem. She should never have believed Rogue when she told them all that Remy was dead.
Of course she knew in her heart that the blame was rightfully Rogue’s.
Or maybe… Remy’s?
Hence the confusion.
When it first became apparent that Remy had a problem, Rogue had been so angry with him, she’d actually beaten him senseless. Now her approach to the dilemma was controlling him through fear.
Storm sighed.
“You look tired.” The voice from behind made her jump.
It was Cable.
Suddenly, before either of them knew what was happening, they were kissing.
After a few moments Ororo pulled out of the passionate embrace,
“By the Goddess, what are we doing?” she panted.
Cable replied by lifting the beautiful blonde off the ground; he carried her the few steps to the bed before laying her down again.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I know I want you.” He said, kissing her elegant neck whilst sliding his hand up her tight lycra t-shirt. Ororo moaned as Cable’s fingers found her nipples, she had no idea what was going on either, but it was all good.

Hank closed the door and sighed. The young girl was sleeping soundly in the infirmary. He crossed the lab, there was so much to do today. He opened the cupboard to get some more sedatives for Emily.
“That’s not right.” He thought aloud. There were at least three bottles missing. “Oh, please, not again.” He mumbled, this had happened before. “Remy.” He closed the cupboard and turned round, ready for the trek to Remy’s third-floor bedroom where he spent most mornings after a drug-binge. “Oh, my!”
Jubilee stood before him, wearing a skirt so short it barely concealed her ass, and a top that showed more cleavage than Hank was aware she had.
“Jubilation! What’s going-” but he couldn’t help standing motionless as Jubilee crushed her body against his fur.
“I know you want me.” She purred into his ear, making him shudder. “Hank, you’ve always wanted this.” She whispered, pressing her lips to his face, breathing gently into the fur.
She was just a girl! He shouldn’t be doing this, but it felt so right. Hank let her tackle him to the ground; he lay on the floor of the lab, telling himself over and over how this was so wrong as Jubilee sat astride him.

Rogue was so pissed at Remy. She understood why he didn’t want to be with her, but she just wanted him to know that she cared about him. She couldn’t stand what he was doing to himself with the drugs, she didn’t mean to lay into him the way she did, and she’d only actually hurt him on the one occasion.
She sighed.
Sometimes she just wished she had someone who could understand the way she felt, someone more sensitive.
“Some one like… Me?” Jean asked from the doorway.
“What are ya doin’ in mah head!” Rogue screamed, suddenly paranoid,
“I know Remy isn’t enough for you.”
“Ah don’ know what Yah talkin’ about.”
Jean beamed a disturbing telepathic image into Rogue’s mind.
Rogue mumbled a telepathic ‘Oh Mah God’ in response.
She pulled Jean into a passionate kiss, then stopped suddenly.
‘I can stop you absorbing my memories’ Jean sent, ‘don’t stop now… it was just getting good’
The two women returned to the positions, gradually losing clothes along the way.
Soon the two of them were completely naked together, writhing on the floor; so wrapped up in each other (literally), that neither noticed Jean’s husband standing in the open doorway.
Jean felt his mind, though.
She briefly removed her face from between the other woman’s legs to smile at Scott.
He stepped into the room and shut the door behind him, removing his shirt as he neared the women. Rogue knelt up and unzipped his fly, taking his cock into her mouth, all the time Jean had contact with the both of them to prevent Rogue’s powers hurting him.
If I’d known all I needed was Jean holding my hand, I could have fucked Remy a dozen times already, Rogue thought, I doubt Remy would have minded sharing me with Jean…
She was now kneeling on the floor, sucking Cyclops’ cock, whilst Jean knelt behind her, kissing her neck and fondling her breasts.
“Oh, Christ, yeah.” Scott panted, thrusting himself further down Rogue’s throat. Keeping his eyes always on the two women in front of him. Watching his wife move round and start licking Rogue’s nipples was what sent him over the edge into orgasm.

End of Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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